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Esperamos que pases buenos momentos en Wikipedia. Chris David Schweitzer Aleman ...Ich will nur dein Freund sein 05:03 17 jun 2012 (UTC)Responder

Hi Basshunteryt, If you want, you can write me in English. As I do not understand polish, I'll do in that language. In response to your message, i have tried to understand it, but I'm not sure if I have done correctly. "Saturday", the new Basshunter's single hasn't charted yet, due to it hasn't been released. It will be released on 11th July in the UK and on 12th July all over the world. I don't understand what you mean when you say "Saturday ya ha dado algunos artículos? como el Reino Unido?". Please, if possible, write me next message in English. Greets, #FFFF00 ¿Puedo ayudar? 12:10 12 jun 2010 (UTC)Responder



Hi Basshunteryt. Sorry for not having responsed till now to your messages. I'm really busy right now. If you want, you can contact Kaiser Spain (disc. · contr. · bloq.). He's nowadays the writer of the Basshunter's articles. #FFFF00 ¿Puedo ayudar? 11:55 14 jun 2010 (UTC)Responder



Dude, as I was changing your name you reverted your edition. Do you want to change your name again to Basshunteryt? --r@ge si? 19:19 30 jun 2010 (UTC)Responder

You have to log out and then log in with user:Eurohunter. Greetings. --r@ge si? 19:47 30 jun 2010 (UTC)Responder
For now the unificated log in is lost because of the rename. Wait until the procedure is done in your wiki, ask for the rename in other wikis where you have edited (for example de.wiki and ca.wiki), then you can have again the unificated log in. --r@ge si? 21:13 30 jun 2010 (UTC)Responder
Yeah, that's another option. --r@ge si? 21:23 30 jun 2010 (UTC)Responder
If you have few editions there, yes. --r@ge si? 01:09 1 jul 2010 (UTC)Responder

Kaiser Spain


Thanks, ;). His brother's name is Joakim. You can see it in this link: BassHunter Production - Me and my brother Joakim in the Slingshot @ Casa Blanca Shagaluf 2009 at YouTube. Kaiser Spain (discusión) 19:44 15 jul 2010 (UTC).Responder

Basshunter private life


I don't know anything about it, I'm sorry. Kaiser Spain (discusión) 19:53 15 jul 2010 (UTC).Responder

Basshunter Tours


I don't know much information about the Tours. If you know any information about "Bass Generation Tour", you could write me a message and we could expand the articles. Kaiser Spain (discusión) 20:25 16 jul 2010 (UTC)Responder

Kaiser Spain


Well, I think "Bass Generation Tour" article on polish wikipedia shouldn't be removed, but I can't do anything about it. I can't find much info on the Internet, search in Google/YouTube/Basshunter MySpace...

Regarding the userbox, I think that I made the image bigger, and it adjusting itself. Kaiser Spain (discusión) 21:07 16 jul 2010 (UTC)Responder

Re: Saturday (canción)


For sure I can update it. Besides, I'm gonna improve it. PS: Don't forget to sign your comments, please AMARILL0 14:20 26 jul 2010 (UTC)Responder

Those in my talk page.AMARILL0 15:25 26 jul 2010 (UTC)Responder
Yep AMARILL0 15:46 26 jul 2010 (UTC)Responder
Yes, I can, but I'm not going to do it because it's smart and it doesn't break any rule.

Basshunter photo


Sorry for the delay, but I've been on holidays. Sorry, I haven't any FREE picture of Jonas. Kaiser Spain (discusión) 08:00 2 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder



I will do when I have time. Kaiser Spain (discusión) 10:14 4 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder



Well, I think you're something confused. Vi sitter i Ventrilo och spelar DotA is a song based in a custom scenario for the real-time strategy video game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. (According to English Wikipedia). Greetings, Kaiser Spain (discusión) 14:48 16 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder

You have to distinguish between DotA and Vi sitter i Ventrilo och spelar DotA. DotA is a game and Vi sitter i Ventrilo och spelar DotA is a song based on it. DotA is a custom scenario from games Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne and the Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. Kaiser Spain (discusión) 17:09 16 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder
Yes, it is.Kaiser Spain (discusión) 17:16 16 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder

Walk on Water


What happens is that Walk on Water and I Can Walk on Water are the same song, althought they were a bit different. I Can Walk on Water was modified to be released as a single, and it was called Walk on Water Kaiser Spain (discusión) 18:39 17 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder

In the web should appear Walk on Water instead I Can Walk on Water, but, as I mentioned before, the song are the same. So, it's Walk on Water. Kaiser Spain (discusión) 16:24 18 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder



No, DotA is only for these games. Kaiser Spain (discusión) 22:46 18 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder



I think it's OK, thanks by help! Kaiser Spain (discusión) 17:21 19 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder

New edit


Well you can edit the articles and help me, (for example, with charts), but I'm really focus in the articles Basshunter and Bass Generation. Kaiser Spain (discusión) 17:28 19 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder

As I mentioned before, I want to focus my work in that articles. You can go doing the edits that you think it's correct.Kaiser Spain (discusión) 17:57 19 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder
OK, thanks! Kaiser Spain (discusión) 22:19 19 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder

Bass Generation


I'm sorry but I haven't any info about the recording process of the album. It's one of the things of which I couldn't find info on the Internet. If I found any info, I will tell it to you. Kaiser Spain (discusión) 16:02 20 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder

No, that quote is a comment what Basshunter did of the song Every Morning in a YouTube video.Kaiser Spain (discusión) 17:42 20 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder
I've never seen this photo before. I don't know it, It's probably awards.Kaiser Spain (discusión) 18:46 20 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder

No, I haven't.Kaiser Spain (discusión) 19:09 20 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder

I had forget it, thanks Kaiser Spain (discusión) 18:34 23 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder

User page


I can't do this.Kaiser Spain (discusión) 18:49 23 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder

Yes, it is. Kaiser Spain (discusión) 15:42 24 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder


I'll do when I have time. Kaiser Spain (discusión) 15:04 26 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder



I try to include much concerts as a I can, althought they are hundreds. Thanks for cite the countries. Kaiser Spain (discusión) 16:27 26 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder

Yes, all info about is nice to me. Kaiser Spain (discusión) 16:35 26 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder
Thanks so much! ;) I will include soon. If you find more towns, countries, etc. please let me know. Kaiser Spain (discusión) 16:50 26 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder
That's a list with all related artist with Basshunter. Kaiser Spain (discusión) 17:09 26 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder
Yes, it is. But I Think could be more. I want to explain in the list the "why" of the relationship with Basshunter. Kaiser Spain (discusión) 17:15 26 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder



I will search for it. If you find more of them please let me know. Kaiser Spain (discusión) 17:25 26 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder



Well, regarding the translation, I asked for help to an user named Usuario:Saloca, who transcribed and translated text directly to me in Spanish. I find it hard to transcribe the audio in English, so you can ask him for help. The links of videos are these: Every Morning comment and I Know You Know comment. Kaiser Spain (discusión) 15:04 31 ago 2010 (UTC)Responder

BTW, I'm a HE   Saloca (ངའི་གླེང་མོལ།) 00:27 1 sep 2010 (UTC)Responder


«Every Morning» se basa en una historia real: salí con una chica, y una mañana cuando me desperté me estaba preparando algo en la cocina. Cuando entró en la habitación, llevaba una taza de café con una gran sonrisa, como diciendo "¡Hola mi amor!". Y entonces se me ocurrió una idea, tomé mi copa, me puse a trabajar en mi estudio y seis horas más tarde estaba acabada.

«Every Morning» it's about a real life story: I dated a girl, and one morning when I woke up she was preparing something in the kitchen. When she entered the room, was carrying a cup of coffee with a big smile, like saying "Hello hun/my love." And then I had an idea, I took my cup, I went to work in my study and six hours later it was finished.

Cuando estás en una relación, lo más importante es ser honesto con la otra persona, sino no puede fluir el juego. [...] es decir "Lo hemos pasado muy bien", pero no "Es hora de que me vaya" o "Me voy porque trabajo fuera" [...] se trata de sentirse bien, de mostrar todas las cartas en la mesa en vez de ocultarlas, no de intentar fingir, «I Know U Know» es una canción para decir "Eh, lo hemos pasado genial, pero no es el mejor momento para mi, es hora de acabar porque estoy cambiando"... Es tan sencillo como eso.

When you're in a relationship, the most important thing it's being honest with the other person, otherwise game can't flow. [...], i mean "We've had very good" but not "It's time for me to go" or "I'm going because I work out" [...] is about feeling good, showing all the cards in the table instead of hiding them, not try to pretend, "I Know U Know" is a song to say "Hey, we've had great, but not the best moment for me, it's time to end because I am changing" .. . It's as simple as that.

Why? Saloca (ངའི་གླེང་མོལ།) 00:22 1 sep 2010 (UTC)Responder

Why you need the translation if already did it from en to es? Saloca (ངའི་གླེང་མོལ།) 17:32 1 sep 2010 (UTC)Responder
Oh, ok, perfect. Saloca (ངའི་གླེང་མོལ།) 20:06 1 sep 2010 (UTC)Responder



I've made the transparent version of the Basshunter's signature image. You have it in this link. Greetings, Kaiser Spain (discusión) 15:32 4 sep 2010 (UTC)Responder

Mała flaga w podpisie



Witaj przyjacielu, umieścić flagę obok podpisu, to jest bardzo proste: I wysłać tekst, w którym mój podpis tak, że możesz zmienić to, co jest konieczne:   Omi (¿Me decías?) Na przykład, można spróbować:   Bass (¿Słyszę cię) Aby zobaczyć, jak to osiągnąć, edytować stronę dyskusji i nie można zobaczyć. W każdym razie, aby zmienić swój podpis, należy wprowadzić "Ustawienia" sekcji strony użytkownika i nie można zmienić podpisu do swoich potrzeb. Należy pamiętać o "preview" zanim coś napiszesz, a w razie potrzeby, skorzystać z funkcji "sandbox" przed podjęciem decyzji i rekord. Jestem do Państwa dyspozycji, aby pomóc Ci z czego potrzebują. Tylko w przypadku pisania w języku angielskim. Nadzieję, że pomogło. Przepraszam jeśli były błędy gramatyczne. I napisał tekst w języku angielskim i wykorzystywane do automatycznego tłumacza Google. Pozdrowienia z Argentyny. --  Omi (¿Me decías?) 20:58 5 sep 2010 (UTC)Responder



I think the user of YouTube made the remix. Yes, you can vote, but first I have to create a voting and I don't know how to do that. I'm going to ask for help from Saloca. When I know how to do it, I'll write a message to you. Greetings, Kaiser Spain (discusión) 10:38 6 sep 2010 (UTC)Responder



I got the source of LOL in this link on English version of discography: http://www.ifpi.fi/tilastot/artistit/basshunter. I haven't a source for Now You're Gone The Album, I copied from English version. That link is from RIANZ homepage. Greetings, Kaiser Spain (discusión) 14:44 14 sep 2010 (UTC).Responder



It's not Patrick Altberg. His real name is Patrick Lindberg and he's not family of Basshunter. Kaiser Spain (discusión) 14:29 20 sep 2010 (UTC)Responder



Wow, I've never seen before, it's incredible, the fotographer broke his ankle! And have you seen this? Look at 0:20. Greetings, Kaiser Spain (discusión) 18:48 25 sep 2010 (UTC)Responder

Re:new Basshunter song


Hi after a long time! Thank you for showing me this new article and song, but I'm not interested nowadays in editing it. Good luck and greetings! AMARILL0 19:05 30 abr 2011 (UTC)Responder



Yes I'm back here, but I won't edit every day because I'm a little busy. Greetings, Kaiser Spain (discusión) 08:58 11 jul 2011 (UTC).Responder

Re: Artículo


Why are you worried about that? What is the problem with this title? If you don't understand Spanish, as you just told me, I just don't get why you are concerned with a title here. It could be "Certificaciones de ventas de Luis Miguel" or something, but don't worry. There's no problem. Thank you, anyway. --Fixertool (discusión) 07:39 13 abr 2020 (UTC)Responder

Ok. You'll see a solution soon. Thanks.--Fixertool (discusión) 07:51 13 abr 2020 (UTC)Responder

Hi. Finally, this article was deleted. Poor quality, lack of references, etc. But, more than that, someone's created Anexo:Discografía de Luis Miguel. Thanks for your contact.--Fixertool (discusión) 22:33 21 may 2020 (UTC)Responder

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