On a hill two kilometres south of the town of Clifden, Ireland, stands a memorial in the form of an aircraft's wing commemorating the first non-stop transatlantic flight. It stands around two kilometres north of the landing site. The landing site is in the bog in the photo's background.
The inscription on the memorial reads:
This memorial honours the achievement of
John Alcock and Arthur Whitten-Brown
the first men to fly non-stop across the Atlantic Ocean
On the morning of the fifteenth day of June nineteen hundred and nine-
teen they landed in their aircraft five hundred yards beyond the cairn
which can be seen one and a half miles south of this point having left
St. Johns, Newfoundland sixteen hours and twenty seven minutes
before. The aircraft was a Vickers Vimy biplane powered by two Rolls-
Royce Eagle VIII engines of three hundred and fifty horse power each
and the average speed during the flight was one hundred and fifteen
miles per hour.
Dedicated this the fifteenth day of June nineteen hundred and fifty nine.
Tá a ngaisge greannta ar ghlár na spéire
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{{Information |Description=A memorial to the pioneering transatlantic flight of Alcock and Brown, near Clifden, County Galway, Ireland. |Source=self-made |Date=September 6 2007. |Author= Smb1001 }} On a hill two kilometres south of the t