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La postura oficial de la Fundación Wikimedia considera que «las reproducciones fieles de obras de arte bidimensionales de dominio público forman parte del dominio público». Esta reproducción fotográfica, por ende, también se considera de dominio público dentro de los Estados Unidos. Es posible que otras jurisdicciones restrinjan la reutilización de este contenido; consúltese Reutilización de fotografías PD-Art (en inglés) para más detalles.
The usage of this reproduction of a "cultural good" may be restricted by Italian laws, which requires a payment to the local Soprintendenza (government department responsible for the environment, historical buildings, monuments and other treasures) for any use of reproductions of these goods (article 107) that are not for a personal or educational purpose (article 108). Wikimedia Commons is not required to comply as it is hosted in the United States of America. Users who are citizens of Italy are warned that they are solely responsible for any possible violation of local laws. See our general disclaimer for more information. These restrictions are independent of the copyright status of the depicted work.
The following are considered cultural heritage assets (article 10): state owned things with some artistic, historic, archeological or ethno-anthropological interest such as artworks displayed in museums or galleries, archeological remains, historical buildings, libraries, archives collections, places of cultural and artistic interest, photographs, and other items declared cultural heritage by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities (MIBAC) unless explicitly removed on a case by case basis. The complete national catalog of cultural heritage assets is not publicly accessible. The Central Institute for Cataloging and Documentation (ICCD), an institution of MIBAC, maintains a partial database of items in the national catalog online at
Reproductions of Italian works classified as "cultural goods" may only be displayed on the Italian Wikipedia using the appropriate copyright tag under its Exemption Doctrine Policy. This requires that they be locally uploaded, low resolution, and must have a rationale for their use. The full-resolution copies on Commons must not be used.
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