Attendence for various w:Gen Con conventions, from 1967-2008. The data is from the w:Gen Con and relies upon the citations given there. When a range is given, the smaller value is used. Note that the data comes from a variety of sources and is sometimes calculated in different ways, so values in comparison may not be equivalent measures.
Creation and Updates
This graph was created with w:gnuplot. The files used to create it are below. If there is new, cited data at w:Gen Con, feel free to alert me and I'll be happy to update this graph.
The file "cmd" contained the following:
#set terminal svg
set terminal svg font "Arial,14"
#set terminal svg fname "Arial" fsize 14
set ylabel "Attendance"
set xlabel "Year"
set datafile missing 'NA'
#set key top left
unset key
#set key outside bottom
#set label 10 "Chance of\nresult or better" at 0.5,0.6
#set label 11 "Chance of\nexact result" at -1.4,0.13
set grid back lw 1
set border 3
set ytics nomirror
set xtics nomirror
set label "Midwest US" at 1997,28000
set label "SoCal" at 2001,7000
set label "UK" at 2002,1300
set label "Paris" at 2002,3200
plot \
"gca.csv" using 1:2 with lines lw 2 title "Milwaukee and Indianapolis"\
,"gca.csv" using 1:3 with lines lw 2 title "SoCal"\
,"gca.csv" using 1:4 with lines lw 2 title "UK"\
,"gca.csv" using 1:5 with lines lw 2 title "Paris"\
The file gca.csv contained:
#Year, Main, SoCal, UK, Paris
1967 12 NA NA NA
1968 50 NA NA NA
1969 150 NA NA NA
1970 NA NA NA NA
1971 NA NA NA NA
1972 650 NA NA NA
1973 700 NA NA NA
1974 NA NA NA NA
1975 1600 NA NA NA
1976 1300 NA NA NA
1977 2300 NA NA NA
1978 2000 NA NA NA
1979 NA NA NA NA
1980 4500 NA NA NA
1981 5000 NA NA NA
1982 NA NA NA NA
1983 NA NA NA NA
1984 3600 NA NA NA
1985 5000 NA NA NA
1986 5000 NA NA NA
1987 NA NA NA NA
1988 NA NA NA NA
1989 10000 NA NA NA
1990 12000 NA NA NA
1991 15000 NA NA NA
1992 18000 NA NA NA
1993 20000 NA NA NA
1994 25000 NA NA NA
1995 30000 NA NA NA
1996 27000 NA NA NA
1997 27000 NA NA NA
1998 19000 NA NA NA
1999 22000 NA NA NA
2000 21000 NA NA NA
2001 25000 NA NA NA
2002 23000 NA NA NA
2003 25000 4148 NA NA
2004 21741 5559 NA NA
2005 25106 6326 1957 NA
2006 21250 5840 NA 4000
2007 27000 NA 1746 4200
2008 28600 NA NA 9000
2009 27900 NA NA NA
2010 30046 NA NA NA
2011 36733 NA NA NA
2012 41000 NA NA NA
2013 49058 NA NA NA
2014 56614 NA NA NA
2015 61423 NA NA NA
2016 60819 NA NA NA
2017 60000 NA NA NA
2018 61424 NA NA NA
2019 70000 NA NA NA
2021 35000 NA NA NA
2022 50000 NA NA NA
The output was created with the command:
gnuplot < cmd > out.svg
I disclaim any copyright on this image. It is a mechanical creation by gnuplot with negligible creative input. The data itself cannot be copyrighted.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
Este trabajo ha sido liberado al dominio público por su autor, Alan De Smet de Wikipedia en inglés. Esto aplica para todo el mundo. En algunos países esto puede no ser legalmente factible; si ello ocurriese: Alan De Smet otorga a cualquier persona el derecho de usar este trabajo para cualquier propósito, sin ningún tipo de condición, a menos que éstas sean requeridas por la ley.Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
Registro original de carga
Aquí se muestra la página de descripción original. Los siguientes nombres de usuario se refieren a en.wikipedia.
2009-03-30 02:40 Alan De Smet 600×480× (12610 bytes) Attendence for various [[Gen Con]] conventions, from 1967-2008. The data is from the [[Gen Con]] and relies upon the citations given there. When a range is given, the smaller value is used. Note that the data comes from a variety of sources and is some
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