Archivo:Sylvia (Lolita)..png

Sylvia_(Lolita)..png (262 × 356 píxeles; tamaño de archivo: 79 kB; tipo MIME: image/png)


Português: Lolita Rodrigues (1929-2023)
Fecha circa 1950
Fuente Trabajo propio
Autor Template:Unknown autho


Public domain
This photograph is in the public domain in Brazil because it was created there before 19 June 1998 and, according to the 1973 Brazilian copyright law, is not considered to be an artistic creation. This applies to documentary photographs in general (commercial or not), as well as non-artistic photographic portraits. See here for some guidance on this.

The 1973 law was in force until being replaced by the current (non-retroactive) Law 9.610 of 19 February 1998 (see translation), which came into effect on 20 June 1998. Photographic works produced after that date follow the Law 9.610 regulations.


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actual20:37 24 dic 2023Miniatura de la versión del 20:37 24 dic 2023262 × 356 (79 kB)Raphael PalermoUploaded while editing "Lolita Rodrigues" on

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