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Article 8. Works and similar results of activity not being the objects of copyright
The following are not the objects of copyright:
official documents (law, resolutions, decisions, etc.) as well as their official translations;
official symbols and signs (flags, arms, orders, banknotes, etc.);
national creative works;
reports about the news of the day or current events having the nature of usual press conference;
results received with help of equipment designed for some kind of production without the person's implementation of creative activity directly associated with the creation of individual work.
Comment: according to interstate and international compacts Uzbekistan is the legal successor of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic, therefore this license tag is also applicable to official symbols and formal documents of the Uzbek SSR. Warning: this license tag cannot be applied to proposed official symbols and drafts of the formal documents, which can be copyrighted.
Aviso legal Esta imagen es o contiene un símbolo prohibido en algunas naciones por las leyes que se mencionan a continuación, por ser una representación del comunismo, socialismo o estructuras gubernamentales similares o de partidos/organizaciones asociadas que lo expresaron:
República de Corea (Corea del Sur): Ley de Seguridad Nacional (prohibido para símbolos o emblemas relacionados con la República Popular Democrática de Corea / Corea del Norte)
Las imágenes a las que se aplican las prohibiciones pueden incluir la hoz y martilloes, la estrella roja, emblemas/insignias, banderas o imágenes de líderes.