Usuario:Luisina Ferrante (WMAR)/Taller3

Programa de Educación


¿Cuáles son nuestros proyectos para el 2018?


Club de Edición La Rioja 2017

1) Remote learning: Wikipuentes

We develop two online training courses for educators, of a 5-week duration each, to address the use of Wikipedia in the classroom and encourage the educators’ ability to edit in the classroom and in their educational projects. These courses are aimed at educators and university students with the objective of generating exchange on the use of the Wikimedia projects in the school syllabus. The focal point is the editing tool as the main element to tackle Wikipedia content and add it to their educational activities. The final objective of these dynamics is the production of projects by the educators, so they can practice looking up and editing Wikipedia during their classroom activities with their students. These online experiences are carried out on our online campus, designed with the goal of consolidating the region’s own online spaces within the community.

  • Realizar 2 ediciones del curso virtual “Wikipuentes”para docentes a nivel nacional.

2) Club de Edición con escuelas secundarias

We develop 3 training sessions for educators (48 hours of work, approximately), follow-up activities in the classroom and we close with an editing club for students, related to the subjects on which we work during the activity. The objective is offering training sessions for educators that provide tools to tackle the work with Wikipedia inside the classroom, the search for information and analysis of sources to support the articles. We back this work dynamics with educational resources and online support. The aim is to close the activity with an Editing Club for students, generating a space where they can put into practice what they have learnt during the training sessions.

Capacitación docentes Club de Edición.
  • Articular con los Ministerios de educación a nivel provincial para posicionar 3 Clubes de edición en la región Norte, centro y Sur de nuestro país.

We develop 3 training sessions (remote and onsite) for university students and professors. We offer an intensive session about Wikimedia and its projects, to later go into detail about the edition of content in Wikipedia. We are particularly interested in the creation of projects that can support the research done by the classes that get involved with our program. We aim at encouraging professors and students to use the Wikipedia platform as another space to consolidate debates and content within the academic world.

  • Articular Wikipedia en el aula en al menos 10 nuevos espacios de educación superior a nivel nacional.


Capacitación docentes Embajadores.

Consolidar una red de docentes a nivel nacional que lideren y representen las propuestas educativas de Wikimedia Argentina en sus instituciones.

  • Realizar 2 encuentros presenciales para capacitar a los referentes.
  • Impulsar al menos 10 proyectos educativos a nivel nacional.
  • Realizar al menos 20 sesiones de seguimiento y apoyo a los docentes capacitados.
  • Diseñar recursos pedagógicos que acompañen la implementación del uso de los Proyectos Wikimedia en el aula

Cooperación Regional

1) Iberocoop y Educación
Wiki & Rights

Acompañar y escalar el desarrollo de proyectos educativos a nivel regional.

-Wikipuentes a nivel regional
  • Escalar Wikipuentes - curso online- con Wikimedia México, Wikimedia Chile y Wikimedia Venezuela
  • Mentorear y realizar 6 capacitaciones a los equipos de Chile, México y Venezuela.
  • Desarrollar de los recursos pedagógicos necesarios para acompañar las actividades virtuales en cada país.
  • 6 encuentros Wiki & Rights -espacios de edición sobre DDHH- en Venezuela, Chile, México, Uruguay y Argentina.
  • Generar 6 nuevas contrapartes de DDHH y universidades a nivel regional.
  • Mentorear la propuesta realizando 6 capacitaciones.
- Comunidad emergente: Paraguay
  • Realizar 2 capacitaciones con docentes en Paraguay.
  • Realizar 1 curso virtual “Wikipuentes”.