Usuario discusión:Agusbou2015/Archivo 2018
Invitación a Wikiproyecto
Queríamos invitarte a participar del Wikiproyecto: Ningún municipio argentino sin fotografía. Nuestro objetivo es poner en valor cada municipio de Argentina en Wikipedia a través de imágenes.
¡Sumate a participar y compartí el mundo a través de tu lente!
Constanza Verón (WMAR) (discusión) 18:48 4 ene 2018 (UTC)
¡II Desafío de edición para mejorar la calidad en Wikipedia!editarHola Agusbou2015, |
editarQuerido agusbou2015 gracias por arreglar Canduales por mí. Pero tengo un desafío para ti, ¿Puedes arreglar Super Smash Flash y La Oveja de North Ronaldsay para mí? Gracias Eltomas2003 (discusión) 23:55 27 feb 2018 (UTC)
- Hoy empecé a arreglar el primer artículo, mañana lo termino y el jueves empiezo a arreglar el segundo. --Agusbou2015 (discusión) 01:22 28 feb 2018 (UTC)
- Hecho, ya arreglé el primer artículo, ahora voy por el segundo. --Agusbou2015 (discusión) 12:38 28 feb 2018 (UTC)
- Hecho, ya corregí el segundo artículo. Con este, los dos artículos ya están arreglados. --Agusbou2015 (discusión) 15:02 28 feb 2018 (UTC)
- Hoy empecé a arreglar el primer artículo, mañana lo termino y el jueves empiezo a arreglar el segundo. --Agusbou2015 (discusión) 01:22 28 feb 2018 (UTC)
editarSi lo desea, puede corregir todos los demás artículos que figuran como mis contribuciones en mi página de usario si lo desea como crédito adicional. ^ _ ^ Eltomas2003 (discusión) 17:38 1 mar 2018 (UTC)
Super Smash Flash
editarHola. Ya he retirado la plantilla de "autotrad". Saludos! --Silviaanac (discusión) 22:28 1 mar 2018 (UTC)
Re: Plantilla de traducción automática en Oveja de North Ronaldsay
editarQué tal. He retirado la plantilla de traducción automática del artículo en cuestión. Gracias por el trabajo. Luis Alvaz (discusión) 22:34 1 mar 2018 (UTC)
Por favor?
editarAgusbou2015 por favor arreglar mis articulos Una Cura por Pokeritis para mi? Gracias Eltomas2003 (discusión) 22:53 1 mar 2018 (UTC)
Hecho, ya corregí el artículo. Agusbou2015 (discusión) 00:50 2 mar 2018 (UTC)
Final (por ahora)
editarMe pregunto si desea hacer un último favor para mí a menos que, si aún desea arreglar más artículos. ¿Puedes arreglarme Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin, BWV 125 por favor? Dígame en mi página de discusión si todavía está interesado en colaborar conmigo para traducir artículos y perfeccionarlos. Hasta entonces, vivir largo y prosperar
Eltomas2003 (discusión) 20:00 2 mar 2018 (UTC)
No, gracias, no me des artículos para traducir y revisar. Agusbou2015 (discusión) 00:33 3 mar 2018 (UTC)
- Hecho, ya corregí el artículo. --Agusbou2015 (discusión) 16:06 3 mar 2018 (UTC)
RE: Plantilla de traducción automática en Un remedio para la adicción al póquer
editarHecho. He retirado la plantilla después de revisar el artículo. Gracias. Luis Alvaz (discusión) 15:50 3 mar 2018 (UTC)
RE: Plantilla de traducción automática en Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin, BWV 125
editarHecho. Gracias por tu trabajo corrigiendo las traducciones. Saludos. Luis Alvaz (discusión) 18:22 3 mar 2018 (UTC)
RE:Plantilla de traducción automática en Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin, BWV 125
editarHola. Disculpa la tardanza en la respuesta, pero es que estoy bastante inactivo últimamente por aquí. En estos casos como el que me comentas siempre es mejor comunicárselo al usuario que colocó la plantilla o a directamente a un bibliotecario (yo no soy ni lo uno ni lo otro), pero, bueno, veo que el problema ya está solucionado. Saludos.--Foundling (discusión) 17:45 4 mar 2018 (UTC)
El returno de eltomas2003
editarSaludos, Agusbou2015,
Te dije que nuestra sociedad estaba llegando a su fin si querías. Para en el encabezado yo dice es Final Por Ahora. Hasta nuevo aviso.
¿Desea reiniciar la asociación con un nuevo modelo? Cada semana le doy un Nuevo artículo para que los dos traduzcamos. Podríamos trabajar muy bien juntos, trabajando en mis habilidades en español y obteniendo el honor de recibir los premios otorgados a los dos. Prometo que los artículos traducidos a máquina no tendrán errores técnicos, como refrendas faltantes, etc. Además, si quieres retirarte, siempre puedes contactarme en mi página de discusión.
Solo / Sólo
editarHola Agusbou2015. La tilde sobre el adverbio «sólo» permite romper la ambigüedad con el adjetivo «solo», por eso casi siempre la pongo, porque tal vez no sea necesaria... pero sí que es práctica. Un abrazo. Kintaro (discusión) 00:14 26 mar 2018 (UTC)
- Lamento decirte que, según la Ortografía de la lengua española editada por la ASALE en 2010, el adverbio «solo» nunca debe llevar tilde, incluso en casos de ambigüedad. En estos últimos casos, se podría sustituir por sinónimos como «solamente» o «únicamente» u otras formas según el contexto. [1] Agusbou2015 (discusión) 00:44 26 mar 2018 (UTC)
editarGracias Agusbou2015, tu es mi salvador! ( ˘ ³˘) Usuario:Eltomas2003¡Hablamos! 23:35 28 mar 2018 (UTC)
¿Desea nominar uno de los artículos en los que trabajamos como artículo destacado?
editarMe encantaría tener Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin, BWV 125 como artículo destacado. ¿Estás de acuerdo con eso? Da tu opinión en mi página de discusión.
Gracias Usuario:Eltomas2003¡Hablamos! 23:34 28 mar 2018 (UTC)
Articulo Bueno por Mit Fried
editarSi quieres hacer mit fried un buen artículo, ¡adelante! Además, tanto los artículos destacados como los buenos artículos se mostrarán en la portada. Usuario:Eltomas2003¡Hablamos! 14:02 31 mar 2018 (UTC)
Un historia?
editarQuiero contarte una historia sobre por qué mi relación con la wikipedia en inglés es tan mala, pero me temo que eso te haría sentir enojado conmigo. ¿Quieres que te cuente la historia? ¿Somos amigos cierto?
Gracias Usuario:Eltomas2003¡Hablamos! 14:04 31 mar 2018 (UTC)
Hola y... contesto
editarHola Agusbou2015: Gracias por tu nota. Lo siento, pero no entiendo realmente tu pregunta. ¿Te refieres a que si puedes participar con artículos en la Wikipedia en español? Echando un rápido vistazo a la página de registración, ya son varios los idiomas de los participantes.
Respecto a las bases del concurso, aquí las tienes (en inglés). Un saludo, --Technopat (discusión) 08:35 9 abr 2018 (UTC)
Yo tengo un destatofo para ti!
editarYo tengo un idea. Por favor transductir los articulos Fire Emblem, Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE y Earthbound de sus contrapartes de idioma inglés a través de la herramienta de traducción de contenido? Gracias,
Leges Henrici Primi
editarBuenas noches amigo argentino: Te agradezco tu visita al artículo que estoy traduciendo. En este momento estoy en la fase de corregir la traducción y posteriormente procederé a la importación de las referencias. Como soy muy, pero que muy mayor, oficialmente el más mayor de Wikipedia en español, tengo que ser muy metódico para no equivocarme y por ello te ruego que esperes un poquito porque puede que duplique las referencias, me equivoque, etc. cosa nada infrecuente. Te reitero mi agradecimiento y ya verás como mañana o pasado mañana estará completo. Saludos cordiales. Adolfobrigido (Discusión) 21:32 10 may 2018 (UTC)
Una Wikiestrella para ti!
editarWikiestrella del wikipedista trabajador | ||
Gracias agusbou2015 por dedicar todo tu tiempo y esfuerzo en arreglar las muchas traducciones defectuosas de los artículos en wikipedia. Sin usted, los lectores de la wikipedia española no verían artículos tan diversos como Oveja de North Ronaldsay o Un Remedio para la adicción de poquer. Te regalo esta wikiestrella como muestra de mi gratitud. Usuario:Eltomas2003¡Hablamos! 15:54 11 may 2018 (UTC) |
Europeos en China medieval
editarBuenas tardes amigo argentino: Muchísimas gracias por revisar y ver los defectos de este artículo. La verdad es que has sigo muy generoso al hablar solo de referencias y algunos errores de traducción. Hay muchas referencias que importar, muchísimos errores de traducción, categorizar, etc. Lo tenía que haber hecho antes pero la verdad es que me distraje con otras cosas y se me pasó. Te reitero mi agradecimiento por tu labor, tan difícil como poco valorada algunas veces y tan necesaria. Recibe un cordial saludo desde Asturias. Adolfobrigido (Discusión) 15:21 2 jun 2018 (UTC)
- Hola otra vez: Ya he visto que subiste todas las referencias que faltaban. Quisiera comentarte un asuntillo sin que esto sirva de molestia para ti. El caso es que participo en un concurso de traducción y nos dan puntos por los bytes editados. En este caso me he quedado sin la posibilidad de acceder a esos puntos ya que lo has hecho tu y no yo. En cualquier caso repito, no te preocupes y no te molestes por esta nota ya que no es esa mi intención.
- Solo decirte que, en lo sucesivo y si te parece bien, déjame que lo haga yo todo porque si no me quedaría sin esos puntos, sobre todo los de las referencias, que son muchos bytes y muy sencillos de subir al artículo en traducción. Por supuesto te agradecería que me indicases las cosas que faltan por hacer en cualquier artículo que yo esté editando, pero para hacerlas yo. ¿Comprendes?. Bueno, mi buen amigo argentino, sigo agradeciéndote tu labor y ayuda. Saludos cordiales. Adolfobrigido (Discusión) 23:33 2 jun 2018 (UTC)
Concurso PESCAR
editarMe alegra mucho tu inscripción. Nos veremos ««en el campo de batalla». A mi me gusta; lo malo es que, aparte de que soy muy mayor, casi octogenario, tengo muy poco tiempo. Ánimo y a por ello. Saludos cordiales. Adolfobrigido (Discusión) 23:56 2 jun 2018 (UTC)
Tumba de José
editarHola amigo: Muchísimas gracias por recordármelo. Ya lo sé y estoy en ello. Es que tuve que hacer otras cosas pero, posiblemente, los suba esta tarde o mañana. Saludos cordiales. Adolfobrigido (Discusión) 15:48 9 jun 2018 (UTC)
Artículo a medias
editarBuenas tardes en España amigo Agus: Muchísimas gracias por tu mensaje. Te lo agradezco y a la vez pido disculpas. Creo que ya te comenté que en mi caso no es de extrañar pero no me vale como disculpa. Principalmente por el problema de memoria que tengo tendría que poner más atención y apuntar más cosas. Y, por favor, no tengas problemas en decírmelo las veces que sean necesarias porque, en vez de molestarme, te lo agradeceré continuamente. Saludos cordiales. Adolfobrigido (Discusión) 15:26 15 jun 2018 (UTC)
Notificación de borrado rápido en «Editores y Traductores del Mediterráneo»
editarHola, Agusbou2015. Se ha revisado la página «Editores y Traductores del Mediterráneo» y esta cumple con los criterios de borrado rápido, por eso se ha marcado con la plantilla {{Destruir}}
para que sea borrada de inmediato por un bibliotecario. Los motivos son los siguientes:
- G3: Página de promoción, autopromoción, publicidad o que contiene muchos elogios innecesarios que no le permiten tener una redacción neutral.
- A4: Página sin interés enciclopédico. Recuerda que Wikipedia no es una colección de información sin criterio.
Para crear un artículo enciclopédico con más garantías de éxito, te sugerimos que utilices el asistente para la creación de artículos. Por favor, revisa la política de borrado y solo si crees que el artículo en cuestión no se ajusta a lo descrito ahí, expón tus argumentos en esta página. Si la página la creaste con la finalidad de hacer pruebas, por favor, utiliza nuestra zona de pruebas pública. Si eres un usuario registrado, también puedes usar tu taller de pruebas personal.
Gracias por tu comprensión.
Leer. Importante
| |
Bombay bajo dominio portugués
editarBuenas noches amigo: Muchas gracias por tu atención a estas mis traducciones. Estoy en ello y no las he importado porque hasta hace unas horas que he llegado de viaje he estado sin Internet. También me queda por pulir cosas de la traducción. Mañana me pondré a ello.Muchísimas gracias. Saludos cordiales.Adolfobrigido (Discusión) 22:51 2 jul 2018 (UTC)
Elena de Etiopía
editarGracias. Maragm me había metido en otro artículo y con los dos en paralelo y un viaje me he dispersado. Te agradezco el haber limpiado varios temas. Aún así he vuelto a poner la plantilla y he seguido corregiendo algunas cosas aquí y en Wikidata. Me gustaría también terminar de poner bien las referencias y traducir cosas complementarias de otros idiomas. A ver si entre hoy y mañana lo acabo.--FAR, (Libro de reclamaciones) 11:08 12 jul 2018 (UTC)
- He tocado algunas cosas más, pero como más o menos está estable se puede dejar quitada. Hay algunos problemas con las referencias (se basan en dos versiones distintas de un mismo libro y la plantilla carece de la opción de coordinador). Investigo un poco a ver como apañarlo. Gracias por tu ayuda.--FAR, (Libro de reclamaciones) 12:13 13 jul 2018 (UTC)
Re: Tapiz de El Bosco
editarGracias por el aviso, pero en realidad no hacía falta, pues no me he olvidado de él :). En los próximos días lo continuaré. Un saludo. Dorieo (discusión) 17:43 13 jul 2018 (UTC)
editarHola amigo: Muchas gracias por avisar. Realmente no la puedo quitar todavía porque desde la mitad hasta el final queda bastante por trabajar. Sin embargo, si no me llegas a avisar se ma habría olvidado. Entre la edad y que mi memoria flaquea muchísimo, me pasan estas cosas. Repito, muchas gracias. Seguiré con el enseguida. Saludos cordiales. Adolfobrigido (Discusión) 19:42 19 jul 2018 (UTC)
Siete clanes partos
editarHe quitado el cartel dado que ahora mismo está estable. Si ves, la versión original en ca: era bastante más reducida y he ido ampliando por aquí y por allí. Me sigue sin gustar dado que ni de los Zik ni los Varaz he logrado encontrar más bibliografía. De los Spandiyadh solo un poco. Eso y mejorar las fuentes e imágenes serían cosas importantes para mejorar el artículo.--FAR, (Libro de reclamaciones) 08:08 27 jul 2018 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #324
editar- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Bovlb
- Closed request for comments: Association Football Matches
- Events
- Past: State of the Map, the OpenStreetMap equivalent of Wikimania, was held in Milan from 28-30 July. There were two meetups on interactions between Wikimedia and OSM, and Wikidata was mentioned in several sessions, including:
- Incoming: Wikidata workshop in Harvard University, MA, USA, on August 8th
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Machine-Generated Knowledge Bases - harvesting tuples from news and scholarly corpora and releasing them as open data
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikibase quality constraints are now loaded into the Query Service and can be queried. Queries on property talk pages have been adapted.
- Wikidata Toolkit 0.9 has been released
- A list of Wikidata-related activities for coursework has been started at d:Wikidata:Wikidata curricula/Activities
- We know have more than 10,000 Lexemes in Wikidata
- A challenge about months of the year is running, you can create Lexemes with the ones in your language
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: derived from form, schematic, passive voice, registration district, expressed in, coefficient of friction, number of arrests, invasive to, microstructure, normalized Unicode character, number of works accessible online, Poisson's ratio, moisture absorption, number of platform faces, relative humidity
- External identifiers: Auteurs en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes ID, Eulalie ID, RedTube ID, Paris Faculty of Science professor ID, Literature Ireland ID, Livre et lecture en Bretagne ID, Paris Faculty of Letters professor ID (1909-1939), Paris Faculty of Letters professor ID (1809-1908), College de France professor ID (1909-1939), CICLIC author ID, INEPAC ID, La Vie des idées ID, Courrier international topic ID, CNRS ID, IDIH ID, Courrier international source ID, KLEKs ID, Interbibly author ID, Le Monde ID, MUSE journal ID, Institut culturel de Bretagne ID, Tebeosfera ID, CSDE Lynching Database ID, CRAN project, RubyGems gem, National Research Institute for Cultural Properties dead artist ID, Python Package Index project, Tebeosfera character ID, NooSFere author ID, NooSFere book ID, archINFORM ID (locations), CAGE code, EDb company ID, Indian census area code (2011), Airline identifier, Norwegian National Road DataBase ID, NATO Stock Number, QS World University ID, SMS Power identifier, Times Higher Education World University ID, Libris-URI, identifier, Artcyclopedia artist ID, Places of Worship Inventory ID, P5599
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: value is inherited from, Guss, Countries with high prevalence, chieseitaliane ID, legal status, Match Score, topic's subcategory, Covered by, Alexander–Briggs notation
- External identifiers: U-Multirank University ID, Trove newspaper ID, Belvedere object ID, Aosdána ID, Chercheurs d'Asie ID, Evene ID, OpenMath ID, GLAMOS ID, Swimsuit ID, archINFORM ID (Schlagwörter), CMI ID, Featured Biographies ID, CNT ID, Comédie-Française ID, DOLF ID, Marvel character ID, FFF character ID, FFF author ID, National Cartoonists Society ID, Number World ID, coach ID, Black Ferns ID, WSO Online ID, IEEE standard, ITU-T Recommendation, ITU-R Recommendation, LOA ID, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade ID, Global Invasive Species Database ID, iTunes music video ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Allow to show incoming links on the graph explorer dialog on WDQS (phab:T197778)
- Fulltext search for Lexemes and Forms (only in Lexeme namespace) has been merged (phab:T196188)
- We are now collecting click data when completion search on Wikidata is used (phab:T196186) which would serve us to improve search relevancy
- Fix a lot of issues with our test system (phab:T200693)
- Disallow merging of items that link to each other in references and qualifiers (phab:T119614)
- More work on merging Lexemes (phab:T200884)
- Provide useful HTML title for Lexemes (phab:T195386)
- Improve the validation and error message when a label, description or alias is too long (phab:T145932, phab:T200780)
- Expose constraint violations to WDQS (phab:T192567)
- Add the possibility to download result of a query from the embed mode (phab:T176797)
- Get persistent editing of Senses done (phab:T196270) (you can try it now on the beta system)
- Work on edit summary of Senses (phab:T196290)
- Work on diffs of Senses (phab:T196289)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
editarHola amigo: Sí, claro que lo terminaré, pero con calma. Creo que no hay prisas. Saludos cordiales. Adolfobrigido (Discusión) 16:39 2 ago 2018 (UTC)
- Hola amigo: Ya sé que está inconcluso; ya te lo dije y habrás visto que tiene una plantilla «en obras» y podrás haber visto en el «histórico»que sigo construyéndolo. Además, si no me equivoco, tengo hasta fin de año para terminarlo, eso sí, sin dejar grandes espacios de tiempo sin trabajarlo. ¿Porqué te vienen esas prisas?. No te preocupes, ten calma y ya verás como todo marchará bien. De todos modos, como creo que sabes, siempre te agradezco mucho tus comentarios y recordatorios. Saludos cordiales. Adolfobrigido (Discusión) 16:52 4 ago 2018 (UTC)
- Hola amigo: Gracias por tu mensaje. ¿Leíste mi anterior nota?, la que está justo más arriba de la que estás leyendo. Ya te comenté algo acerca del plazo. Mira el "Historial" y verás que sigo con él. Ten un poco de calma mi buen amigo Agus. Saludos cordiales. Adolfobrigido (Discusión) 07:40 8 ago 2018 (UTC)
- La verdad es que aún no está terminado; faltan pequeños y grandes detalles como habrás podido observar así que voy a ponerla otra vez hasta que considere que por mi parte he terminado. Bueno Agus, te reitero el agradecimiento por tu atención. Saludos cordiales. Adolfobrigido (Discusión) 12:04 9 ago 2018 (UTC)
- Hola Agus: Ya quité la plantilla {{en obras}}. Saludos cordiales. Adolfobrigido (Discusión) 16:09 9 ago 2018 (UTC)
This Month in GLAM: July 2018
Historia del clavecín
editarUn poco de paciencia, que lo empecé ayer. Dorieo (discusión) 14:33 10 ago 2018 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #325
editar- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Bencemac
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Celtic Knot 2018 – How can Wikidata support minority language Wikipedias, by Delphine Dallison
- The rise of Wikidata as a linked data source, by Karen Smith-Yoshimura on the OCLC Research blog
- A global collection of astrolabes in linked open data, by Martin Poulter, University of Oxford. With the Museum of the History of Science which is part of the university, Martin is exploring a possible "Sum of all Astrolabes" project. This post is to promote the idea to researchers and GLAM staff.
- Where do Mayors Come From: Querying Wikidata with Python and SPARQL, by Nikolai Janakiev
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- list of badged items without claims has a new format
- Sitelinks for the new Santali Wikipedia (satwiki) can be added. Links to the new Chinese Wikiversity (zhwikiversity) can be made
- The logs of (anonymized) SPARQL queries are now available
- wikidata-edit now supports 'somevalue' and 'novalue' claims and qualifiers
- thus, wikidata-cli now also supports 'somevalue' and 'novalue' claims and qualifiers
- During Wikimania 2018, 25 people attended to a workshop about Lexicographical data. The results of this experience and the related tickets are summarized here.
- New admin: Bovlb. Welcome on board!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: station category, located in the ecclesiastical territorial entity, fatigue limit, type of water supply, pitting resistance equivalent number, Vietnamese reading
- External identifiers: U-Multirank university ID, TCI destination ID, Chercheurs d'Asie ID, Trove newspaper ID, archINFORM keyword ID, DOLF ID, Split This Rock poet ID, OpenMath ID, chieseitaliane ID, ID, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade ID, Aosdána ID, CNT ID, Comédie-Française ID, Evene ID, LOA ID, FFF author ID, FFF character ID, Marvel character ID, National Cartoonists Society author ID, Global Invasive Species Database ID, WSO Online ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Prisoner count, relative to, Railway traffic side, code DGAC, Membro della squadra nazionale, linear thermal expansion coefficient, glass transition temperature, heat deflection temperature, compressive strength, bulk modulus, flexural modulus, flexural strength, shear modulus, shear strength, tear resistance, abrasion resistance, Vicat softening point, thermal diffusivity, chemical resistance, permeation, electrical resistivity, relative permittivity, relative permeability, dissipation factor, magnetic ordering, noun for other gender, combines lexemes, form is subject of, Airline Accounting Code, dummy value, identifier
- External identifiers: iTunes music video ID, New Zealand Business Number, Brasseur ID, female player ID, Gynopedia place ID, MuIS collection ID, CNL ID, RSL ID, LARB ID, Canal Académie ID, World Rugby Women's World Cup player ID, New Zealand Book Council ID, ANZL ID, Carthalia ID, TRBC, Theatrum ID, VGMdb product ID, Amphi-Theatrum ID, Persons of Indian Studies ID, National Humanities Medal ID, Expedia hotel ID, anime AniDB ID, creator AniDB ID, character AniDB ID, SR Nummer, identifiant Inventaire et Documentation du Patrimoine Culturel du Maroc, Exoplanet Data Explorer ID, Morse code, Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia ID, NASA Exoplanet Archive ID, France Musique ID, Académie française ID, Académie de Mâcon member ID, Académie de Montpellier member ID, Académie de Versailles member ID, Invasive Species Compendium Datasheet ID, MusicBrainz release ID, Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame ID, Cartooning for Peace ID, Savoirs ENS ID, Diffusion ENS ID, Quais du polar ID
- Deleted properties: USGS-ANSS event page (P5089), Projeto Excelências ID (P2731)
- Query examples:
- Topics for which the English Wikipedia wikilinks to the University of Virginia but the corresponding Wikidata entry does not
- Map of institutions where Canadian citizens got their PhD
- Space probes that have their own Twitter accounts (source)
- Newspapers in Wikidata with a recorded place of publication (source)
- Countries whose capital city can be spelled out only using letters from the country's name (source)
- Amara taxons and their Wikispecies link (source)
- Things related to open access to research in Japan (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: Humanitarian Wikidata
- Newest properties:
- Development
- More work on merging Lexemes (phab:T198105)
- Possibility to add statements to just created Forms (phab:T201389)
- Provide useful HTML title for Lexemes (phab:T195386)
- Remove a Sense (phab:T196283)
- View a referenced Sense (phab:T196264)
- Edit summaries for Senses (phab:T196290)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Concurso: Wikipedia escribe en clave de género
editar¡El Desafío Tricolor te da las gracias!
editarEstimad@ Agusbou2015:
Puedes suscribirse o darte de baja de futuras notificaciones de eventos en Venezuela añadiendo o quitando tu nombre de esta lista. |
Wikidata weekly summary #326
editarThis is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2018-08-20.
- Events
- Past: Wikimedia and IIIF, IIIF Community Call, August 15th. Including current use of Property:P2677 (relative position within image) and plans for Commons structured data.
- Incoming: Wikidata Lab X in São Paulo, Brazil, September 17th
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Google Summer of Code:
- GSoC ‘18: In 60 seconds: Prssanna Desai has been helping improve the Query Service
- JOSM/Plugins/Wikipedia/GSoC 2018: 'Floscher' has been working to improve the Wikidata/Wikipedia-related functionality of the 'JOSM' editor for OpenStreetMap
- Design Challenges in Named Entity Transliteration - a paper discussing "fundamental design challenges that impact the development of a multilingual state-of-the-art named entity transliteration system", with reference to Wikidata
- Quicksilver: Training an #ML system to generate draft Wikipedia articles and Wikidata entries simultaneously, slides by John Bohannon and Vedant Dharnidharka
- Google Summer of Code:
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- - Using Wikidata to explore the scientific research of women - e.g.
- New version of JsonDumpReader, a tool for using JSON dumps from Wikidata or other Wikibase instances
- WikiCite/Roadmap: a summary of the meetup at Wikimania 2018 and presentation of four possible ways forward for Wikicite
- Wikidata Extractor: A tool to extract Wikidata IDs from OpenStreetMap, given an Overpass Turbo query
- d:Wikidata:ScienceSource focus list/Main subject needed, ListeriaBot-generated workflow for main subject (P921)
- New administrator: Bencemac. Welcome on board!
- Wikidata Shape Expressions Inference tool announced
- Gender gap in Wikidata: the tool Denelezh will be closed on October 31st
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: prisoner count, risk factor, railway traffic side, bulk modulus, compressive strength, glass transition temperature, linear thermal expansion coefficient, shear modulus, thermal diffusivity, relative permittivity, relative permeability, flexural strength, dissipation factor, electrical resistivity, flexural modulus, heat deflection temperature, tear resistance
- External identifiers: female player ID, Brasseur ID, Canal Académie ID, Persons of Indian Studies ID, Amphi-Theatrum ID, Theatrum ID, ANZL writer ID, Black Ferns ID, CNL author ID, IEEE standard, LARB contributor ID, New Zealand Book Council writer ID, PRELIB person ID, RSL author ID, World Rugby Women's World Cup player ID, Académie française prize winner ID, AniDB anime ID, Baidu ScholarID, AniDB character ID, AniDB creator ID, Exoplanet Data Explorer exoplanet ID, Expedia hotel ID, Carthalia ID, Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia exoplanet ID, France Musique person ID, iTunes music video ID, MuIS collection ID, National Humanities Medal winner ID, VGMdb product ID, Diffusion ENS ID, Académie de Montpellier member ID, Académie de Mâcon member ID, Académie de Versailles member ID, Savoirs ENS ID, Cartooning for Peace cartoonist ID, Quais du polar writer ID, NASA Exoplanet Archive exoplanet ID, Hoopla ID, iNaturalist observation ID, ITU-R Recommendation, New Zealand Business Number, ITU-T Recommendation, Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: BND ID, Status in the Red List of Threatened Species in the Czech Republic, set score, historical region, modified version, sample, end point, coordinate location GCJ02, identifier, bilibili ID, Moegirlpedia Chinese Article Entry, Academia URL, requires grammatical feature, Seed, peak Billboard chart position, number of weeks on the Billboard chart
- External identifiers: Bibliopoche ID, La Lorraine des écrivains ID, Fandango movie id, So Foot ID, Indian Railways station code, Norwegian war refugees register ID, Index of Historic Collectors and Dealers of Cubism ID, Tasmanian Heritage Register ID, Basisklassifikation, LARB author ID, TPA ID, Revues littéraires ID, IMEC ID, Recours au poème ID, National Medal of Arts ID, PAM ID, author, 2006 Commonwealth Games athlete ID, Boobpedia article
- Deleted properties: NARA person ID (P1222), print run (P4877)
- Query examples:
- Federated query with Places on Moon or Mars named after Nobel prize winners (source)
- Texts ranked by the number of languages in which they are available through Wikisource (adapted from source)
- Map of places co-occurring with species or higher-order taxa as main subjects of publications (source)
- Software titles and what they were inspired by (source)
- Occupations of the accused witches in the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft database (source)
- Gallery of Nobel prizes winners (federated query) (source)
- Showcase items: Crawford
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Show Senses in WhatLinksHere (phab:T200980)
- Build ability to remove Senses (phab:T196283)
- Reference a Sense in a statement (phab:T196263)
- Improve the language code check for Lexemes (phab:T198202)
- Prepare item/property link formatter that uses cache instead of wb_terms DB table (phab:T201831)
- More work on merging Lexemes (phab:T198104)
- Showing the Lemma or Representation when Lexemes or Forms are mentioned in constraint reports (phab:T195315)
- Add new monolingual language codes: uga (Ugaritic), rar (Rarotongan), gmy (Mycenean Greek), mnw (Mon), mid (Modern Mandaic), haz (Hazaragi)
- Fix a bug on the Query Service interface (phab:T201951)
- Add number of results in embed map view of the Query Service (phab:T201908)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #327
editar- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Abián
- New request for comments: Adding short code for cryptocurrencies
- Events
- September 8, Zurich: Wikidata Zurich Hackathon a hacking event to code with and for Wikidata.
- Wikidata IRC office hour: September 25th, from 18:00 to 19:00 (UTC+2, Berlin time), on the channel #wikimedia-office
- October 23, Berlin: Workshop on how to use Wikidata in research contexts
- October 26/27, The Hague: Wiki Techstorm
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Underwater Basket Weaving: Russian Writers and Their Professions According to Wikidata, by Galina Ryazanskaya, Alena Shchevyeva and Maria Suvorova
- Strategic inclusion of library data from Sweden into Wikidata (in Swedish), by Axel Pettersson
- Old but gold, three articles by Denny about design decisions that were made for Wikidata: Restricting the world, On truth and lies, A categorical imperative?
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Structured Data on Commons: A draft specification for using Depicts statements on Commons is up for community feedback.
- It's possible to add somevalue and novalue using QuickStatements, and to use the tool on as well.
- More properties can be searched using haswbstatement. This includes all properties with "external identifier", "string", "item", "property", "lexeme", "form" and "sense" datatypes, except published in (P1433) and cites (P2860). In addition you may make queries without a specified value.
- The page creation and edit rate limit imposed in April will be removed in the next days. However, users who are not bots or administrators are throttled to 90 edits per minute (which was set up on all Wikimedia wikis in May).
- These new languages are now supported for monolingual text strings: mid, mnw, gmy, rar, haz, uga. The language doesn't show up in the suggester, but you can save the statement and it will be stored properly.
- Reminder: Wikidata's sixth birthday happens in two months. It's time to think about organizing a meetup with your local community, or preparing a gift (see the list of presents last year).
- Lexicographical data: you can now try Senses on beta
- 25% of the labeling campaign to improve the vandalism detection on Wikidata has been done. Please help by reviewing a few edits!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: dummy value, airline accounting code, shear strength, sample, force, abrasion resistance, requires grammatical feature, profile URL
- External identifiers: BND ID, Fandango movie ID, IDPCM ID, Bibliopoche author ID, Indian Railways station code, Invasive Species Compendium Datasheet ID, Transport Canada LID, La Lorraine des écrivains writer ID, Tasmanian Heritage Register ID, LARB author ID, Recours au poème ID, Revues Littéraires ID, IMEC ID, author ID, 2006 Commonwealth Games athlete ID, TPA person ID, PAM ID, National Medal of Arts winner ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: ISO 15919 transliteration, U.P.C. Company Prefix, value is more specific than, peak position on chart, number of weeks on chart, Pietre della Memoria ID, editor-in-chief, image of interior, Osservatorio culturale del Cantone Ticino ID, periphrasis, OSI Model layer
- External identifiers: Cineuropa movie id, Partis d'Arcadie ID, WSJP ID, Voetbalstats ID, Angelicum ID, PUSC ID, BasketballBundesliga ID, GreekBasketLeague ID, BSL ID, BSN ID, PLK ID, Historic Hotels of America ID, Historic Hotels Worldwide ID, Morse code, MPC body ID, Open Exoplanet Catalogue ID, KERIS School info, FBref ID, Pacific Coast Architecture Database person ID, Syndikat ID, CWA ID, NDB identifier, Petit Futé ID, DAV ID, ÖAV ID, SAC ID, PZS ID, ABMC ID, The Park Database ID, IMA ID, Directorio de Museos y Colecciones de España ID, Pakistan Railways station code, RBU athlete ID, RBU coach ID, Historic Hotels of Europe ID, person ID, film ID, CoinMarketCap cryptocurrency ID, Television Academy Foundation interviewee ID, Academia topic ID
- Deleted properties: Heritage Building in Finland ID (P4237), patron (P1962)
- Query examples:
- Map of libraries in Austria (source)
- Countries ranked by number of Wikidata-known people born there whose English version of the given name starts with Q or X (source)
- List of Windows games released this year (source)
- Countries with most citizens on Wikidata whose given name starts with X or Q (source)
- People entered in the Dictionary of Welsh Biography by gender and birth location (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Invasive Species
- Newest properties:
- Development
- More work on merging Lexemes
- More work on data types and edit summary for Senses
- Improve qualifier suggestions using constraint definition (phab:T201288)
- Improve constraint property item suggestions for property constraint values (phab:T199672)
- Remove ratelimit from Wikidata for some groups again (phab:T198396)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
The Signpost: 30 August 2018
editar- From the editor: Today's young adults don't know a world without Wikipedia
- News and notes: Flying high; low practice from Wikipedia 'cleansing' agency; where do our donations go? RfA sees a new trend
- In the media: Quicksilver AI writes articles
- Discussion report: Drafting an interface administrator policy
- Featured content: Featured content selected by the community
- Special report: Wikimania 2018
- Traffic report: Aretha dies – getting just 2,000 short of 5 million hits
- Technology report: Technical enhancements and a request to prioritize upcoming work
- Recent research: Wehrmacht on Wikipedia, neural networks writing biographies
- Humour: Signpost editor censors herself
- From the archives: Playing with Wikipedia words
Wikidata weekly summary #328
editar- Events
- 3-5 September, Bologna: Workshop on Open Citations, with several WikiCite-related talks and an associated hackathon
- 8 September, Zurich, Switzerland: Wikidata Hackathon
- September and early October: Andy Mabbett is touring Australia for a series of open-science and GLAM Wiki-focused talks, workshops, and meetups.
- 23 October 2018, Berlin: Workshop How can I use Wikidata for my research?
- Applications are invited for WikiCite 2018 (27-29 November in Berkeley)
- Registration is now open for PIDapalooza 2019 in Dublin, Ireland on 23-24 January.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New admin: Abián. Welcome onboard!
- Better suggestions for constraint values on properties
- Wikidata now has 100 million qualifiers on statements
- A proposal comes forth to use Wikidata Qs as permanent IDs for OpenStreetMap. See the discussion.
- A Stanford University announces a Wikimedian in Residence position focused on Library metadata and Wikidata: see the announcement on Wikidata-l
- SourceMD and ORCIDator have been merged and can now be run in batch mode (announcement by Magnus Manske)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: ideographic description sequences, editor-in-chief, image of interior
- External identifiers: WSJP ID, Turkish Basketball Super League ID, Greek Basket League ID, Polish Basketball League ID, Basketball Bundesliga ID, Baloncesto Superior Nacional ID, Pietre della Memoria ID, Partis d'Arcadie ID, Angelicum author ID, subject identifier, bilibili ID, Historic Hotels of America ID, Historic Hotels Worldwide ID, Minor Planet Center body ID, Moegirlpedia Chinese Article Entry, Open Exoplanet Catalogue exoplanet ID, PUSC author ID, So Foot ID, Voetbalstats player ID, SR Number, KERIS school ID, Pacific Coast Architecture Database person ID, Directorate General of Civil Aeronautics (Mexico) code, CWA writer ID, Basisklassifikation, ASIN, FBref player ID, Syndikat writer ID, EU RCN, ABMC person ID, DAV hut ID, PZS hut ID, ÖAV hut ID, Petit Futé site ID, SAC ID, NDB identifier for airport beacons, Directorio de Museos y Colecciones de España ID, IMA museum ID, The Park Database ID, Osservatorio culturale del Cantone Ticino ID, person ID, RBU athlete ID, RBU coach ID, Television Academy Foundation interviewee ID, Historic Hotels of Europe ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Cryptocurrency Symbol, Cooperative Patent Classification, usage example, described in Wikimedia article, beer color, beer bitterness
- External identifiers: DBUnico ID, EU participant ID, WorldofVolley ID, ID, Arnet Miner author ID, Cranach Digital Archive Kunstwerk ID, DSV ID, The Gymternet ID, Ski Jumping Hill Archive ID, cpcrulez, e621, AustLII ID, NooSFere series ID, IGDB game ID, IGDB platform ID, IGDB person ID, Dobry słownik ID, Twitch channel ID, OlympicChannel athlete ID, Académie de Marseille member ID, Film Indonesia ID, BGCI Garden ID, International Mathematical Olympiad participant ID
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: people by Erdős number and number of works in Wikidata
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Final polishing on first version of Senses support for Lexemes. (phabricator:T201000, phabricator:T202729, phabricator:T198036, phabricator:T203334)
- Continued work on merging Lexemes. Merging via the SpecialPage is done and will be rolled out soon. Merging via the API is still being worked on. (phabricator:T189129)
- Long Lemmas in Lexemes look bad because they are not flowing to the next line and instead break the layout. Working on a fix. (phabricator:T195367)
- Improving the validity of the HTML of the Lexeme headers. (phabricator:T196228)
- Worked on showing the Lemma(s) or Representation(s) when Lexemes or Forms are mentioned in constraint reports. (phabricator:T195315)
- Got a new beta feature ready for deployment that will improve the suggestions for properties like sex/gender by first suggesting the values defined in the one-of constraint. (phabricator:T202712)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
This Month in GLAM: August 2018
Wikidata weekly summary #329
editar- Events
- Wikidata-related presentations at Workshop on Open Citations, 3-5 September, Bologna: Remixing the graph/ Scholia as of September 2018/ A guided tour through citation networks around public health emergencies
- The Wikidata Birthday will take place in more than 20 places around the world. What about yours?
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Many faces of Wikibase: Rhizome's archive of born-digital art and digital preservation, Wikimedia Blog
- Wikidata Sparql Query Log Analysis (Part 1, Part 2)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Structured Data on Commons: There is now a page with a collection of Wikidata properties that may be needed for Wikimedia Commons. Please improve this page and provide feedback!
- Structured Data on Commons: Take a look at the new mockups of structured licensing and copyright statements on file pages, and leave your comments.
- Manuscript explorer powered by Wikidata
- Wikimedia Sverige receives funding for Finding GLAMs and Libraries Data project
- Wikimedia Deutschland has several open positions around the Wikidata development team including a program manager position
- Stanford has a job opening for a Wikidata-focused Wikimedian in Residence
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Cooperative Patent Classification code, Thomson Reuters Business Classification, narrative role, stage crew member, has program committee member, OSI Model layer location, cryptocurrency, elongation at break
- External identifiers: Arnet Miner author ID, CoinMarketCap cryptocurrency ID, CPAN project, cpcrulez ID, DBUnico MIBACT ID, Cranach Digital Archive artwork ID, DSV person ID, EU Research Participant ID, film ID, Ski Jumping Hill Archive ID, The Gymternet gymnast ID, WorldofVolley player ID, jumper ID, Cineuropa film ID, NooSFere series ID, Dobry słownik ID, IGDB game ID, IGDB platform ID, IGDB person ID, Twitch channel ID, AustLII ID, topic ID, VOR/DME identifier for airport beacons, SNOMED CT identifier, Alternativa Teatral person ID, Alternativa Teatral work ID, Alternativa Teatral place ID, MusicBrainz release ID, IANA service name, OlympicChannel athlete ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: title in TeX, Admission rate, is retracted by, intelligence quotient, subject stated as, predicate stated as, Vocabolario Treccani ID, Bank properties, forms, has contraction, Study fees
- External identifiers: GameID, ID, Country or city ID on Hilton, ArhivX LOD, National Trust for Historic Preservation ID, Television Academy Foundation show ID, LHW ID, Relais et Châteaux ID, World Travel Awards ID, Mathematical Reviews journal ID, Preferred Hotels and Resorts ID, AnimeClick anime ID, AnimeClick character ID, AnimeClick manga ID, AnimeClick novel ID, Code aéroport interne de l'espace russophone, iTunes podcast ID, AnimeClick person ID
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Wikidata:WikiProject Retractions
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Improve qualifier suggestions using constraint definition (phab:T201288)
- Merge Lexemes via the API (phab:T198104)
- Show lemmas and representations in constraint reports (phab:T195315)
- Make Form ID link targets less redundant (phab:)
- Polishing html for Lexemes (phab:T196226, phab:T199081)
- Merging Senses (phab:T201605)
- Checking glosses (phab:T202427, phab:T198203)
- Accepting lowercase Sense IDs as values in statements (phab:T203334)
- Use hyphenation for long sense gloss (phab:T203241)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Re: Historia del clavecín
editarNo voy a continuar con el artículo, por los motivos expuestos aquí. Gracias por tu interés. Un saludo. -- Dorieo (discusión) 09:56 16 sep 2018 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #330
editar- Events
- Continuing through September and early October: Andy Mabbett is touring Australia for a series of open-science and GLAM Wiki-focused talks, workshops, and meetups.
- New events added for the sixth birthday of Wikidata: Berlin, Oslo, Tehran, Beijing
- Press, articles, blog posts
- An increasing number of reports from This Month in GLAM Wikidata related stories. To follow, subscribe here. Though most country reports include Wikidata activities, highlights from this month include:
- Brazilian Wikimedians develop tools for mass contributions: Mbabel and Import-500px
- A report about the Wikidata workshop held at the International Federation of Library Associations Conference in Kuala Lampur
- A report discussing increasing interest for mapping the Portugeuse National Library data with Wikidata
- More information on the recently funded WMSE Projects
- And, of course, the Wikidata Report highlights
- Crotos: a project on visual artworks powered by Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons
- Wikidata Query Service recipe: qualifiers and the Greek alphabet
- An increasing number of reports from This Month in GLAM Wikidata related stories. To follow, subscribe here. Though most country reports include Wikidata activities, highlights from this month include:
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Linking knowledge organization systems via Wikidata Presentation at DCMI conference in Porto, by Jneubert
- Senses for lexicographical data will be deployed on October 18th
- The final release of OpenRefine 3.0 is out.
- Collection Explorer, a Wikidata-driven tool bringing together collection data from the Ashmolean Museum, the Bodleian Library, and the Pitt Rivers Museum.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: state of conservation, state of use, admission rate, is retracted by, ISO 15919 transliteration, majority opinion by, seed, demonstrates form, usage example, political coalition, Status in the Red List of Threatened Species in the Czech Republic, item inherits value from
- External identifiers: BGCI garden ID, International Mathematical Olympiad participant ID, Film Indonesia ID, ArhivX LOD, Belvedere object ID, National Trust for Historic Preservation ID, Television Academy Foundation show ID, Playbill production ID, LHW hotel ID, World Travel Awards ID, Relais & Châteaux ID, Nintendo GameID, Académie de Marseille member ID, NPR podcast ID, iTunes podcast ID, Gynopedia place ID, Vocabolario Treccani ID, AnimeClick anime ID, AnimeClick novel ID, AnimeClick character ID, AnimeClick person ID, AnimeClick manga ID, Ex-USSR internal airport code
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Cook Partisan Voting Index, ONS Community codes, Implies (necessary condition), Index herbariorum code, limiting oxygen index, Model item for, Model item, Taxonomic Literature 2 number, Place of devotion, Stadtteilnummer, restriction of, blazon, ENI number, parties, term of venery, root, unicode range, Ġabra lexeme ID, Ultimate Guitar artist ID, inflection class
- External identifiers: ResearchGate publication ID, Indonesian Basic Data of Primary and Secondary Education ID, AnimeClick drama ID, MobyGames platform ID, Adelphi author ID, UOL Eleições ID, Tourisme et Handicap ID, Qualité Tourisme ID, Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Belgium ID, Northern Ireland Assembly ID, SJPXVII ID, Microsoft Store app ID, CharacTour character ID, re3data repository ID, IGN film ID, Arkivportalen aktor ID, Arkivportalen arkiv ID, Muziekweb performer ID, SPXVI ID, Spectral Database for Organic Compounds ID, LakeNet ID, Álgu ID, Uralonet ID, Geheugen van de VU person ID, Comic Vine ID, Shazam track ID, IANA Root Zone Database ID, ASCE ID, Dxomark ID, PlayStation Store ID, Oqaasileriffik online dictionary ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fix a problem with the language of the lemma (phab:T194347)
- Improving the diffs for Lexemes (phab:T185481)
- Exclude es-formal and hu-formal from monolingual text codes (phab:T203311, thanks to MarcoAurelio)
- Implement the contemporary constraint (phab:T141859, thanks to Abiàn)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #331
editar- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Ayack
- New request for comments: 2018 administrator policy update
- Closed request for comments: Adding short code for cryptocurrencies
- Events
- Past: 19-21 September 2018, New York City: Wikibase workshop at Rhizome
- Upcoming: IRC office hour, on Tuesday September 25th, from 18:00 to 19:00 (UTC+2, Berlin time) on the channel wikimedia-office
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Supporting Community Events: spotlight on ‘Social Media Exchange’ (SMEX) in Lebanon, by MySociety
- Using OpenStack to run a custom Wikibase, by Andra Waagmeester
- Creating linked open data for Victorian shipping registers on the National Library of Wales blog
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The OpenStreetMap wiki enabled Wikibase, to describe OSM tags and keys. Here's what an entry for moveable bridge looks like:
- TABernacle, a tool to edit Wikidata on a table view, was rewritten by Magnus Manske
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Index Herbariorum code, model item, perfume note, place of devotion, Taxonomic Literature 2 number, video designer, projection designer, mode of derivation, work hardening strain, tuition fee, foreign transaction fee, trading fee, account charge / subscription fee, borrowing rate, interest rate, JMA Magnitude, official number of town quarter
- External identifiers: Adelphi author ID, AnimeClick drama ID, Lepidoptera of Belgium ID, CharacTour character ID, Enciclovida ID, IGN film ID, LakeNet ID, Mathematical Reviews journal ID, MobyGames platform ID, Northern Ireland Assembly ID, Norwegian war refugees register ID, re3data repository ID, ResearchGate publication ID, SJPXVII ID, SPXVI ID, Qualité Tourisme ID, Muziekweb Performer ID, Tourisme & Handicap ID, Indonesian Basic Data of Primary and Secondary Education ID, Microsoft Store app ID, Arkivportalen agent ID, Archiveportal archive ID, Preferred Hotels & Resorts hotel ID, Bpk-ID, UOL Eleições ID, Uralonet ID, Álgu ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Spotify show ID, derived from sense, creates, Short Title Catalogus Vlaanderen (STCV) ID, acquisition date, Løøv classification, Non-free artwork image URL, Kompositionsfuge, abbrév., subject lexeme
- External identifiers: HKCAN ID, Shazam artist ID, Sprockhoff-Nummer, Wikibase Registry ID, GTB database IDs, Depósito Legal ID, series ID, Australia and New Zealand Standard Research Classification 2008, IGN series ID, ID, Kunstenpunt productions, tweet ID, Open Food Facts ingredient ID, railway line ID, SUCA code, VicFlora ID
- Query examples:
- New bot requests: Import and maintain nominal GDP for countries from the World Bank Data API, Create indiscriminately new items, Missing P31, Importing lexemes from en.Wiktionary in specific languages
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Work on editing Form statements using the API (phab:T194732)
- Show the Lemma(s) or Representation(s) when Lexemes or Forms are mentioned in constraint reports (phab:T195315)
- Add hyphenation for long Lexeme lemmas and representations (phab:T195367)
- Normalize SPARQL queries (phab:T204122, thanks to Abiàn)
- Fix a bug on the Query Service about exported query results being different from the displayed result (phab:T195258)
- Fix a bug on the Query Service about empty map results returning error (phab:T178786)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
The Signpost: 1 October 2018
editar- From the editor: Is this the new normal?
- News and notes: European copyright law moves forward
- In the media: Knowledge under fire
- Discussion report: Interface Admin policy proposal, part 2
- Arbitration report: A quiet month for Arbcom
- Technology report: Paying attention to your mobile
- Gallery: A pat on the back
- Recent research: How talk page use has changed since 2005; censorship shocks lead to centralization; is vandalism caused by workplace boredom?
- Humour: Signpost Crossword Puzzle
- Essay: Expressing thanks
Wikidata weekly summary #332
editar- Discussions
- Events
- Past: IRC office hour, September 25th
- Past: Working in a World of (linked, semantic) Open Data. Keynote by User:MartinPoulter at University of Stirling Life in Data Conference, September 28th
- Wikidata and Wikimedia workshop (30 September) and session about data modeling (2 October) at the CIDOC 2018 Conference of the International Council of Museums, Heraklion, Crete
- There were three Wikidata-related presentations at the 10th International Conference on Ecological Informatics that took place on 23-28 September in Jena.
- Upcoming: German-speaking WikiCon, October 3-5 in St Gallen (Switzerland). Several Wikidata-related talks and workshops in the programme.
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Property Path use in Wikidata Queries, by Gregory Todd Williams
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The templates Reasonator and Scholia are available, for linking from en.Wikisource pages to representations of Wikidata items.
- Wikidata considered unable to support hierarchical search in Structured Data for Commons, see also thread.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: ENI number, inflection class, has inflection class, root, creates lexeme type
- External identifiers: ASCE Historical Civil Engineering Landmark ID, Comic Vine ID, DxOMark ID, Geheugen van de VU person ID, HKCAN ID, Oqaasileriffik online dictionary ID, IANA Root Zone Database ID, Shazam track ID, Spotify show ID, Shazam artist ID, Sprockhoff Number, Index of Historic Collectors and Dealers of Cubism ID, ANZSRC FoR ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: applies to citizens of, Plot continued in, monument in the near, Sail emblem, São Paulo: os estrangeiros e a construção da cidade ID, reference template for this work, Wikipedia suggested article name, Personal title, stated in reference as, reference vocabulary, OSM zoom level
- External identifiers: OpenStreetMap wiki ID, Wiki Loves ZEOs ID, Geschützte Objekte in Ostbelgien, ComiXology Creators, War Memorials Online ID, NT Flora ID, Film Indonesia person ID, Sekolah Kita ID, Museu Nacional ID, Annuaire de la magistrature ID
- Query examples:
- People who received the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany and were also in the NSDAP (Nazi party) (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fix a bug when the "language of Lemma" box doesn't appear after failed submit of Special:NewLexeme (phab:T194347)
- Fix the order of elements in Lexeme edit diffs (phab:T185481)
- Enable constraint checks for Lexemes and Forms (phab:T195828)
- More work on editing Form Statements using API (phab:T194732)
- More work on a beta feature for suggestions based on constraints (phab:T202712)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The Education Program extension was removed from all Wikimedia projects. You can use the Programs and Events Dashboard or the Fountain instead. [2]
- There was a problem when you copied and pasted from a table with the visual editor. It could add
where it shouldn't be. This has now been fixed. [3]
Changes later this week
- Because of a data centre test you will be able to read but not edit the wikis for up to an hour on 10 October. This will start at 14:00 (UTC). You might lose edits if you try to save during this time. The time when you can't edit might be shorter than an hour. You can read more about this.
- Because of the data centre test there will be no new version of MediaWiki this week. Changes for this week will come next week instead.
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 10 October at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
23:38 8 oct 2018 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #333
editar- Events
- 5-7 October, St.Gallen (Switzerland): WikiCon 2018 of the German-speaking Wikimedia community, with keynote Wikidata as a Semantic Web game changer
- 5-7 October, Grenoble (France): WikiConvention francophone 2018, with keynote:
- 16 October, online: Using Wikibase as a platform for library linked data management and discovery
- 29 October, São Paulo: Wikidata Lab XI: Structuring wikiprojects
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Wikidata: «Das spannendste Projekt, das ich je gesehen habe» (German) in the Swiss newspaper Tagblatt
- SPNHC & TDWG Conference 2018 — blog post on a talk (slides, speaker notes) about using Wikimedia projects and materials from the Biodiversity Heritage Library and other sources to collect information regarding New Zealand's biodiversity
- Wikidata Map October 2018 by Addshore
- Our man in Havana (or, Q56761118) by Andrew Gray
Other Noteworthy Stuff
editar- wikidata-cli new features:
- wd data --format ttl: dump entities in rdf/ttl
- wd convert: convert batches of external ids to Wikidata ids and vice versa
- Structured Data on Commons: a search prototype is available for testing. There is a page on Commons with information about testing and leaving feedback.
- Profiling Wikidata — a Class-Facet-Attribute Completeness Profiling System for Wikidata
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: limiting oxygen index, plot continued in, Vicat softening point, Unicode range
- External identifiers: Lyrically artist ID, series ID, Spectral Database for Organic Compounds ID, Ultimate Guitar artist ID, Ġabra lexeme ID, Open Food Facts ingredient ID, railway line ID, IGN series ID, tweet ID, Short Title Catalogue Flanders (STCV), Flanders Arts Institute production ID, ID, Oudnederlands Woordenboek GTB ID, Vroegmiddelnederlands Woordenboek GTB ID, Middelnederlandsch Woordenboek GTB ID, Film Indonesia person ID, Protected objects Ostbelgien ID, North America PlayStation Store ID, VicFlora ID, SUCA code, CMI person ID, São Paulo: os estrangeiros e a construção da cidade ID, ComiXology creator ID, Annuaire de la magistrature ID, NT Flora ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: animacy, distributary, human position in artwork, does not have quality, (de)evolution method, happened to, depicted part, adjective, hyponym, nation-state tradition, requires form, Norwegian Nationaltheatret actor ID, location of sense usage, Medierådet rating, broad synonym, measured to, Type properties, shrinkage, Public presentation, carbon footprint
- External identifiers: Inventory of the Archaeological and Paleontological Heritage of Catalonia, MIAR ID, V.League ID, Japan Professional Basketball League ID, Women's Japan Basketball League, SAGE journal ID, Elsevier journal ID, N° CPPAP, Deezer show ID, LUBW Schutzgebiets-Nr, Disney A to Z ID, RBF athlete ID, Europe PlayStation Store ID, Japan PlayStation Store ID, Encyclopedia Virginia ID, Armiarma ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fix bugs on editing statements on new Forms using the API (phab:T194732)
- Check constraint violations on statements on Forms and Senses when saving a statement (phab:T195829)
- Fix an issue with Wikibase and deployments (phab:T206161)
- Improve the gloss language error message (phab:T205528)
- Make the ArticlePlaceholder use our API instead of wb_terms (phab:T195752)
- Improve sorting of forms, senses and glosses (phab:T176405, phab:T203002, phab:T203459)
- Work on making Sense statement group Ids unique (phab:T204936)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Desafío de edición JJ.OO. de la Juventud 2018
editarHola Agusbou2015, Queríamos invitarte a participar del "Desafío de edición JJ.OO. de la Juventud 2018". El Wikiconcurso durará 4 semanas —del 5 de octubre al 2 de noviembre de 2018— durante las cuales invitamos a los editores y las editoras de Wikipedia a centrarse en crear, traducir y/o mejorar artículos sobre los Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud de Buenos Aires.
Puedes encontrar la página del desafío acá. |
This Month in GLAM: September 2018
Wikidata weekly summary #334
editar- Events
- 8-12 October, Monterey: International Semantic Web Conference 2018, with lots of praise for Wikidata
- 11-12 October, Montreal: FORCE 2018 Conference, with sessions on Wikidata and Wikibase and Wikidata and WikiCite
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Ontological Modelling in Wikidata, talk and slides by Markus Krötzsch
- Wikidata x ConedaKOR: A use case for digital art history (in German), on integrating Wikidata with an art history database
- From Spreadsheet to Wikidata with QuickStatements, by Charles Matthews on WMUK's blog
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- A new Wikidata game has been created to suggest corrections for some constraints violations. These corrections are learned from the Wikidata edit history.
- A new OpenRefine tutorial was published, showing how to use third-party reconciliable data sources to import data in Wikidata.
- A prototype for Mix'n'Match Version 2 is available for testing; it uses Wikibase.
- We have a new admin onboard, welcome Fuzheado!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: depicted part, sail emblem, reference vocabulary
- External identifiers: Museu Nacional ID, Sekolah Kita ID, War Memorials Online ID, ID of Inventory of the Archaeological and Paleontological Heritage of Catalonia, Women's Japan Basketball League ID, V.League ID, Japan Professional Basketball League ID, Elsevier journal ID, Norwegian Nationaltheatret actor ID, LUBW Protected Area No, SAGE journal ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: tribus, embodied energy, water footprint, storage capacity (ROM), Pixel resolution, Category for films in this language, annual number of weddings, biobased content weight percentage, topic's main Wikimedia WikiProject, recycled content weight percentage, taxa found, recycling code, attenuation coefficient, Kit manifacturer
- External identifiers: Getty Iconography Authority ID, Springer journal ID, Espace prépas author ID, Australian Plant name Index identifier, film ID, person ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Help fixing the issues after data center switch (phab:T206743)
- Look at a regression in Lexeme code (not passing lemma language via URL) (phab:T205864)
- Make the ArticlePlaceholder use our API instead of wb_terms (phab:T195752)
- Improve sorting of forms, senses and glosses (phab:T176405, phab:T203002, phab:T203459)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- Some pages, edits and users disappeared for a short while after the server switch. Missing content and users was fixed within a day. Some preferences and other things might take a few more days to fix. [4]
- Wikis are updated with new and updated translations from again. This will happen once a week. The developers are working on fixing the problem so we can have translation updates more often again. [5]
Changes later this week
- When you create an abuse filter that prevents edits you can now write a specific error message for it. Before this all abuse filters that prevented edits had the same error message. [6]
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 16 October. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 17 October. It will be on all wikis from 18 October (calendar).
- There will be no more meetings with the Editing team. This is because not enough Wikimedians were interested. To tell developers which bugs you think are the most important you can use Phabricator as normal. [7]
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 17 October at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
22:40 15 oct 2018 (UTC)
editarHola. Veo que en esta modificación has usado el ReplacerTool. ¿Me haces el favor de decirme cómo hacerlo?--XY3999 (discusión) 07:12 19 oct 2018 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #335
editar- Discussions
- New request for comments: Adopt a username policy
- Events
- A Wikidata workshop will be led by Shani Evenstein, in collaboration with Wikimedia Israel & and the Israel Internet Association, on 18th & 25th of October in Tel Aviv. The first meeting will be dedicated to an introduction and adding information to WD, and the second meeting will focus on querying & SPARQL.
- An Introduction to Wikidata by Harmonia Amanda, an Introduction to Wikibase by Sandra Müllrick and a Wikicite workshop by Miriam Redi at the Wiki Techstorm in the Dutch National Library in the Hague on the 26th & 27th of October
- Many events to celebrate Wikidata's birthday around the world. You can check the full list and the map to find one near you
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Die vergessene fünfte Partnerstadt (German), Der Landbote, October 18, 2018. Press article about the discoverage of Winterthur's sister city Ontario thanks to Wikidata, which only became official in Ontario in the year 1982, while it got forgotten in Winterthur.
- Semantische Suchabfragen mit der Linked Open Data Cloud generieren (German), on SocietyByte
- La documentation d’expositions sur Wikidata (French) by Shonagon
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- A program to train new Wikidata trainers (in German) will be run in November 2018 in Berlin, Cologne and Vienna. Registration is open until October 28th.
- A new academic course featuring Wikidata opened on October 15th at Tel Aviv University. The elective is called "From Web 2.0 to Web 3.0, from Wikipedia to Wikidata" and it's the 1st for-credit course in the world to focus on Wikidata! The course is available to all undergraduate students at TAU, from all disciplines, and is led by educator & Wikimedian Shani Evenstein.
- Lexicographical data can now be queried with the Query Service
- Lexicographical Data now includes Senses
- A beta feature for entity suggestions based on constraints
- Planned RDF ontology prefix change for RDF exports and dumps
- You can still help ORES to be smarter in detecting vandalism. Take a few minutes to check some edits
- Change on QuickStatements: all your new QuickStatements batch job edits will now be done under your own account, rather than QuickStatementsBot (thanks to Lucas)
- Wikidata Image Positions, showing the relative position of depicted elements within the images of items (example, documentation)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Medierådet rating, translation, synonym, antonym, troponym of, false friend, Wikidata property example for senses, classifier, Sandbox-Sense, derived from sense, annual number of weddings
- External identifiers: CPPAP ID, RBF athlete ID, Europe PlayStation Store ID, Encyclopedia Virginia ID, Springer journal ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: compressive modulus of elasticity, Best result in tournament, satisfaction rate, league system, ratified by, place of disappearance, exact synonym, measured to, measured from, measured include, measured exclude, measured at, usage example, Coordinates in WKT, flexural strain at break
- External identifiers: Brasiliana Iconográfica ID, North America Microsoft Store ID, Facebook post ID, Movies Anywhere ID, Center for Biological Diversity ID, Muck Rack journalist ID, Museum Universe Data File identification number, Salons ID, Agoda hotel ID, Techopedia ID, Internet Pinball Database ID, Handbook of Texas ID, Encyclopedia of Alabama ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- JSON-LD is now on beta
- Work on a issue impacting edit tags for admins (phab:T207313)
- Turn on Senses for Lexicographical data
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 23 October. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 24 October. It will be on all wikis from 25 October (calendar).
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 24 October at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- The Community Wishlist Survey begins on 29 October. The survey decides what the Community Tech team will work on. You can post proposals from 29 October to 11 November. You can vote on proposals from 16 November to 30 November.
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
23:11 22 oct 2018 (UTC)
The Signpost: 28 October 2018
editar- From the editors October original: The Signpost is still afloat, just barely
- News and notes: WMF gets a million bucks
- In the media: Bans, celebs, and bias
- Discussion report: Mediation Committee and proposed deletion reform
- Traffic report: Unsurprisingly, sport leads the field – or the ring
- Technology report: Bots galore!
- Special report: NPP needs you
- Special report 2: Now Wikidata is six
- In focus: Alexa
- Gallery: Out of this world!
- Recent research: Wikimedia Commons worth $28.9 billion
- Humour: Talk page humour
- Opinion: Strickland incident
- From the archives: The Gardner Interview
Las noticias técnicas más recientes de la comunidad técnica de Wikimedia. Informa sobre estos cambios a otros usuarios. No todos los cambios te afectarán. Hay traducciones disponibles.
Cambios recientes
- Ya puedes realizar propuestas para la Encuesta de deseos de la Comunidad. La encuesta decide en lo que trabajará el Equipo técnico para la comunidad. Puedes presentar tus propuestas hasta el 11 de noviembre. Podrás votar por propuestas del 16 al 30 de noviembre.
- Ahora los wikis emitirán un informe de política de seguridad de contenido (CSP). Esto significa que podrías recibir una advertencia en tu consola de javascript si cargas recursos externos en tu scripts de usuario. Por motivos de seguridad se recomienda no hacer esto. En el futuro es posible que ya no se permita cargar recursos externos en tus scripts. [8]
- La lista de seguimiento ya puede mostrar qué cambios ya has visto. Esto que no funcionó durante unos días ya ha sido corregido. [9]
Cambios más tarde en esta semana
- La nueva versión de MediaWiki se instalará en los wikis de prueba y en el 30 octubre. Se instalará en wikis que no son Wikipedia y en algunas Wikipedias a partir del 31 octubre, y en las restantes a partir del 1 noviembre (calendario).
- El editor de wikitexto de 2006 ya no estará disponible. Este no ha sido el editor predeterminado desde hace tiempo. Será desinstalado de Especial:Preferencias y será reemplazado por el editor de wikitexto de 2010. [10][11]
- Puedes participar de la reunión de asesoramiento técnico en IRC. Durante la reunión, los desarrolladores voluntarios pueden solicitar asesoramiento. La reunión se realizará el 31 octubre a las 15:00 (UTC). Consulta cómo participar.
Las Noticias Técnicas son preparadas por los redactores de Noticias Técnicas y publicadas con un bot • Colabora • traduce • obtén ayuda • comenta • suscríbete o cancela tu suscripción.
20:08 29 oct 2018 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #336
editar- Discussions
- New request for comments: Changes in email property, Datatype of P667
- Closed request for comments: Close-out of statements formerly using P794
- Events
- Plenty of Wikidata 6th birthday events happen all around the world. You can check the Commons category and the hashtag #WikidataBirthday on social networks.
- Past: Wikimedia Technical Conference, October 22-25
- Press, articles, blog posts
- WikibaseNYC conference explores the frontier of linked open data infrastructure &report on the Wikibase workshop that took place on September 19-21 in New Yor City
- Now Wikidata is 6, by Charles Matthews
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Proposal on on how to answer newcomers on help pages. Feel free to give feedback on the talk page.
- Fork-Awesome now ships with a Wikidata icon
- Presents from the community for the Wikidata 6th birthday:
- Banner for Wikidata birthday events by KannanVM
- Profiling Wikidata (announcement, documentation)
- Birthday User Template for userpage
- List of Wikidata & GLAM usecases, by Beat Eastermann
- QuickStatements v2 now supports lexicographical data
- DerDieDas, a game to practice German articles based on lexicographical data, by Auregann
- CSV to QuickStatements now fully compatible with QuickStatements v2
- Possibility to query Lexemes in the Query Service
- Senses for lexicographical data
- Beta feature: suggestions based on constraints
- Dedicated Dashboard, another tool to improve the data quality in Wikidata, by Envlh
- cookiecutter-toolforge, a template to easily create tools, by Lucas Werkmeister
- WDFS: Mount Wikidata as a filesystem, by MichaelSchoenitzer
- Wikidata Comparison Tool
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: carbon footprint, attenuation coefficient, compressive modulus of elasticity, recycling code, kit supplier, category for films in this language, stated in reference as, distributary, water footprint, applies to people, flexural strain at break, body pose or movement
- External identifiers: APNI ID, Literaturaren Zubitegia ID, Getty Iconography Authority ID, film ID, Deezer show ID, person ID, Movies Anywhere ID, Japan PlayStation Store ID, WikiArt ID, Center for Biological Diversity ID, Brasiliana Iconográfica ID, Muck Rack journalist ID, Museum Universe Data File ID, Salons ID, Agoda hotel ID, Techopedia ID, Encyclopedia of Alabama ID, Internet Pinball Database ID, California Office of Historic Preservation ID, Encyclopedia of Appalachia ID, Handbook of Texas ID, Tennessee Encyclopedia ID, CanalPlan AC place ID, SeaLifeBase ID, Species at Risk public registry ID, d'Art d'Art ! ID, Hymenoptera Online taxon ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: ENADE IGC continuous, INEP IGC discrete, Digital representation of, Container title, Systematic Catalog of Culicidae ID, Plant Parasites of Europe ID, date of opening, uses capitalization for, phase, Trainer von Sportmannschaft, research site
- External identifiers: New York Times short URL, ECOS ID, IGF entrant ID, Clé des langues ID, CMS ID, Hypericum MySpecies ID, ResearchGate author ID, ID, Missouri Botanical Garden ID, Steere Herbarium ID, Wild Herps ID, Sea Slug Forum ID, OSF Online ID, MNHN ID, Neotropical Birds ID, GRIN ID, Birds of America ID, Echinoid Directory ID, AFD ID, FEIS ID, New Zealand Birds Online ID, BirdLife Australia ID, NOAA Fisheries Species Directory ID, Espèces Envahissantes Outre-mer ID, AFAS author ID, Prosopomaths ID, ARD Mediathek ID, GT IBMA ID, Mantodea Species File ID, Coreoidea Species File ID, Cockroach Species File ID, Red List of South African Plants ID, Biographie vosgienne ID, Larousse ID, MoEML ID, Scoresway basketball person ID, Scoresway volleyball person ID, Scoresway ice hockey person ID, Scoresway rugby person ID, Scoresway baseball person ID, Polish Olympic Committee, GameFAQs platform ID, DCMOTO identifier, BirdLife International IBA ID, British Museum bioID, Discogs composition ID, Discogs track ID, NYC Building Identification Number (BIN), Cineuropa person ID, RIA Novosti reference, The Guardian article ID
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Wikidata:WikiProject Africa, Wikidata:WikiProject Open Government Data
- Newest database reports: indirect translation of lexemes
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Several developers and members of the team attended to the Wikimedia Technical Conference
- Fix an issue with interwikilinks and connection between Wikidata and sister projects (phab:T208077, phab:T208124)
- Refactor Wikibase so that it can use alternative termbox views (phab:T206863)
- Pass the entity data on the client side (phab:T207462) and server side (phab:T207467)
- Investigate an error on some Wikidata pages (phab:T208142)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Rasim Aliyev
editarRevisé tu trabajo de traducción, amplié una parte con información de la enwiki, y removí la planilla. ¡Buen trabajo! Aeveraal ??? 16:06 31 oct 2018 (UTC)
Re:Una pregunta
editarHola. Sí, no hay problema alguno. Son concursos independientes, y si haces alguno que vale para ambos, pues eso que te llevas. Suerte y gracias por el interés. Un saludo. --Millars (discusión) 20:16 4 nov 2018 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- You can now use TemplateWizard to edit templates. This works only with the 2010 wikitext editor and not in the visual editor or the 2017 wikitext editor. If you click on you can enter the information in a pop-up. You can turn on TemplateWizard in your beta feature preferences. [12]
Changes later this week
- You can choose to see edit conflicts in a two-column view. This is a beta feature. You can find it in your preferences. The interface for the two-column edit conflict will change. You can read more.
- When you edit with the visual editor you can use the "Automatic" citation tab. This helps you generate citations. You will now be able to write plain text citations or the title of a journal article or a book in this tab. This will search the Crossref and WorldCat databases and add the top result. [13]
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 6 November. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 7 November. It will be on all wikis from 8 November (calendar).
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 7 November at 16:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
17:29 5 nov 2018 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #337
editar- Events
- Lots of parties and get-togethers for Wikidata's 6th birthday
- GLAM Wiki 2018, 3-5 November 2018 in Tel Aviv, had a number of sessions about Wikidata
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata's Sixth Birthday \o/ Check out the well wishes and presents.
- The Community Wishlist Survey is now open, including a Wikidata category. Proposal phase is running until November 11th.
- New designs posted for structured copyright and licensing based off of Wikidata for Structured Data on Commons. Please visit the page on Commons and leave your feedback.
- CompareIT a new comparison tool, driven by Wikidata
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: INEP IGC continuous score, demonstrates sense, permeation, embodied energy, biobased content weight percentage
- External identifiers: ResearchGate author ID, Clé des langues ID, ID, Hypericum MySpecies ID, ECOS ID, IGF entrant ID, CMS ID, Plant Finder ID, Steere Herbarium ID, Wild Herps ID, ProsopoMaths ID, AFAS author ID, AFD ID, BirdLife Australia ID, John J. Audubon's Birds of America ID, Echinoid Directory ID, Espèces Envahissantes Outre-mer ID, FEIS ID, Global Raptor Information Network ID, MNHN taxon ID, Neotropical Birds ID, New Zealand Birds Online ID, NOAA Fisheries Species Directory ID, OSF Online ID, Sea Slug Forum ID, Cockroach Species File ID, Coreoidea Species File ID, GT IBMA ID, Mantodea Species File ID, Red List of South African Plants ID, Systematic Catalog of Culicidae ID, Larousse ID, Biographie vosgienne ID, MoEML ID, Plant Parasites of Europe ID, Scoresway baseball person ID, Scoresway basketball person ID, Scoresway ice hockey person ID, Scoresway rugby person ID, Scoresway volleyball person ID, ARD Mediathek ID, DCMOTO identifier, BirdLife International IBA ID, Polish Olympic Committee ID, British Museum bioID, GameFAQs platform ID, Discogs track ID, Discogs composition ID, RIA Novosti reference
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: dramaturg, DEFAULTSORT, billed artist, also display sitelinks for, Objektnummer, Winterthur Glossar URL, Mushroom Observer ID, IIIF manifest, Category for players of a club, Notable print, ID, maintenance tag, chord progression, music album, volunteers
- External identifiers: Who's on First ID (WOFID), MGG Online ID, Caselaw Access Project case ID, Map of Life ID, person ID, AfroMoths ID, FloraWeb ID, Info Flora ID, FLOW ID, YÖK Academic Profile ID, Sotheby's ID, Michigan Flora ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Helped get MediaInfo deployed on Commons
- Reduced load on the query service from the constraint checks (phabricator:T204469)
- Worked on getting constraints checks run regularly in the background so their results are complete in the query service (phabricator:T204714)
- Enabled access to arbitrary items and properties for Wiktionaries
- Working on infrastructure parts of the new termbox (the one showing labels, descriptions and aliases) on mobile
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Growth team updates #3
editarWelcome to the third newsletter for the new Growth team!
The Growth team's objective is to work on software changes that help retain new contributors in mid-size Wikimedia projects.
Two Growth team projects to be deployed in next two weeks
We will be deploying the "Understanding first day" and "Personalized first day" projects on Czech and Korean Wikipedias in the coming weeks. See the new project pages below for full details on the projects, and our project updates page for their progress.
- Understanding first day: learn about the actions new editors take right after creating their accounts. We will be careful with user privacy, and we hope to share initial results in December.
- Personalized first day: learn about new editors' objectives by adding some optional questions to the new editor’s registration process, and personalizing their onboarding. We hope to share initial results in December.
Third Growth team project begins
- Focus on help desk: direct newcomers to the local help desks where they can ask questions to help them make their first edits. We hope to have an initial experiment running in December.
Best practices for helping newcomers
We are going to direct newcomers to help desks. But what's the best way to reply to a newcomer there? We have gathered some best practices for successful interactions, based on community experiences and some external documentation. The page has also been reviewed by some experienced community members who suggested some changes. That page is now open for translations. Comments and suggestions are still welcome!
We are still looking for volunteers
Do you want to participate to our experiments? We are looking for new communities to work with us (especially a new mid-size wiki), and people to become ambassadors to help us to communicate with the different communities. Discover how you can involve yourself or your community.
Also, please share this update with your community and interested people!
Learn more about us
You can visit our team page to find out why our team was formed and how we are thinking about new editors, and our project page for detailed updates on the projects we'll work on.
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot, 13:30 7 nov 2018 (UTC) • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
This Month in GLAM: October 2018
Wikidata weekly summary #338
editar- Discussions
- Closed request for comments: Political alliance vs P4100, Changes to P2737 and P2738, Why do we have an item for dogs and another one for Canis lupus familiaris?, start time / end time vs. publication date of 1st / last episode, Mapping and improving the data import process, Familypedia links removed for "described at URL", Allow the creation of links to redirects in Wikidata
- Events
- Past: Several Wikidata-related presentations at International Data Week from November 5-8 in Gaborone:
- Wikidata and Wikibase as global platforms for democratizing data publishing
- WikiCite and Scholia - a Linked Open Data approach to exploring the scholarly literature and related resources
- A wiki approach to collecting, curating and managing citizen science data
- A wiki perspective on an Open Science Commons
- Past: Several Wikidata-related presentations at GLAMWiki conference, including:
- Incoming: a new Illuminatis Data Mining workshop on 16-17 November in Gotha
- Incoming: Wikidata workshop in Vienna
- Incoming: Wikidata train the trainers in Cologne, Berlin and Vienna (in German)
- Past: Several Wikidata-related presentations at International Data Week from November 5-8 in Gaborone:
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Incoming partnership with the German National Library by Jens Ohlig (in German)
- How Wikidata Is Solving Its Chicken-or-Egg-Problem in the Field of Cultural Heritage, by Beat Eastermann
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- is a visualization of Wikidata items in HTML tables in many languages, easy to print and export. Feedback goes to Germartin1
- OpenRefine 3.1 beta is out, with many fixes and improvements to the Wikidata integration suggested by the community.
- There's a new Wikidata game: Commons category matches
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: location of sense usage, dramaturge, head coach of sports team, beer bitterness, beer color, INEP IGC discrete grade, clinical trial phase, maintained by WikiProject, uses capitalization for
- External identifiers: NYC Building Identification Number (BIN), Cineuropa person ID, The Guardian article ID, Caselaw Access Project case ID, MGG Online ID, Map of Life ID, AfroMoths ID, FloraWeb ID, FLOW ID, person ID, Info Flora ID, YÖK Academic Profile ID, Mushroom Observer ID, Schleswig-Holstein object ID, Michigan Flora ID, ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Vice, sense associated with form, declared patrimony, season ends, inscription mentions, DanNet 2.2 word ID, Study fees, HASC, exchange rate, ID
- External identifiers: AllMusic release ID, DBU profile, MusicNotes product ID, MusicNotes song ID, Nobel Prize in Literature ID, Code de l'Autorité de l'Aviation Civile argentine, Playbill venue ID, Digital Flora of Central Africa ID, Portal to the Flora of Italy ID, Monument ID, B3Kat Joint Union Catalogue, Santiebeati ID, Soccerway team ID, identifiant Littera, Letterboxd actor ID, Letterboxd film ID, Threatened Species Link ID, VD 18 ID, Siamzone film ID, Thaifilm ID, National Portrait Gallery (United States) object ID, Newseum newspaper front page ID, Playbill person ID, SWH Release ID, APA ID, Virtual Guide to the Flora of Mongolia ID, identifiant À nos grands hommes, BioOne ID, Academy Awards Database film ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Displaying Senses before Forms (phab:T208592)
- Making quality constraints play nicer with the Query Service
- Putting in the ground work to have quality checks run in jobs
- Enabling arbritrary access on oldwikisource
- Allowing configuration of the licence in .ttl output
- Configuration of more string limits, such as URL and mono / multilingual texts
- Moving wdqs frontend to a blubber deployment (phab:T192006)
- Asserting a users name so they can't edit when accidently logged out (phab:T124451)
- Showcase a termbox placeholder in the mobile frontend of (phab:T206200)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Estas son las noticias técnicas más recientes de la comunidad técnica de Wikimedia. Informa sobre estos cambios a otros usuarios. No todos los cambios te afectarán. Hay traducciones disponibles.
Cambios recientes
- Algunos navegadores móviles antiguos pueden volver a usar la lista de seguimiento. Esto no estuvo funcionando por un tiempo. Estos navegadores son los denominados nagadores de grado C. Esto beneficia, por ejemplo, a Windows Phone 8.1 con Internet Explorer y a Lumia 535 con Windows 10. [14]
- Puedes elegir ver los conflictos de ediciones en una vista de dos columnas. Esta es una característica en pruebas que se puede encontrar en tu página de preferencias. Se ha corregido el error en el que los usuarios que usan esta vista vieron la página de resolución de conflictos de edición cuando querían ver una vista previa. [15][16][17]
Cambios más tarde en esta semana
- La nueva versión de MediaWiki se instalará en los wikis de prueba y en el 13 noviembre. Se instalará en wikis que no son Wikipedia y en algunas Wikipedias a partir del 14 noviembre, y en las restantes a partir del 15 noviembre (calendario).
- Puedes participar de la reunión de asesoramiento técnico en IRC. Durante la reunión, los desarrolladores voluntarios pueden solicitar asesoramiento. La reunión se realizará el 14 noviembre a las 15:00 (UTC). Consulta cómo participar.
Cambios futuros
- Puedes usar la herramienta de traducción de contenidos para traducir artículos. Los desarrolladores están trabajando en una versión nueva. Uno de los cambios será una categoría de mantenimiento. Estarán en esta categoría los artículos en donde los usuarios inserten mucho testo proveniente de traducciones automáticas sin hacerle cambios, de forma que la comunidad pueda revisarlos. También se advertirá antes de publicar a los usuarios si el artículo contiene gran parte del texto con traducciones automáticas sin cambiar. [18]
Las Noticias Técnicas son preparadas por los redactores de Noticias Técnicas y publicadas con un bot • Colabora • traduce • obtén ayuda • comenta • suscríbete o cancela tu suscripción.
19:21 12 nov 2018 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- You can vote on proposals in the Community Wishlist Survey. The survey decides what the Community Tech team will work on. You can vote until 30 November.
- There is an A/B test for
data. This is to make it easier to find the right information with a search engine. This changes the metadata for a wiki page. It doesn't change how the page looks. [19]
Changes later this week
- There is no new MediaWiki version this week.
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 21 November at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- The Wikimedia wikis use templates to show readers there are problems with the content on some pages. For example if there are no sources or the page needs to be rewritten. The mobile website will soon show more information when you use these templates. Some templates may need to be updated. [20]
- The Education Program extension was removed from all Wikimedia projects. The database tables used by the extension will be archived. This will happen in a month. If you want the information on your wiki you should move it to a normal wiki page. [21]
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
23:28 19 nov 2018 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #339
editar- Events
- Baltic Audiovisual Archives Council Conference in Tallinn, Estonia - November 7, 2018. Sandra F. gave a keynote on GLAM-Wiki projects, Wikidata and Structured Data on Commons.
- Museum Computer Network conference in Denver, Colorado - November 14, 2018. - Andrew Lih gave a presentation, A First Date with Wikidata
- Wikicite on 27-29 November 2018: the program is published
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- A new tool to display Wikimedia Commons categories (and Wikipedia/Wikidata tags) with coordinates on the OSM map
- The Association of Research Libraries published the draft of a Wikidata Task Force White Paper on how libraries and Wikidata/ Wikibase con join forces aroud linked open data for both library discovery systems and Wikipedia, and advancing a diversity and inclusion agenda in the cultures of both libraries and Wikimedia. The draft is open for public comment until 30 November.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Winterthur Glossar URL, IIIF manifest, category for members of a team, chord progression, season ends, number of volunteers
- External identifiers: DBU playerprofile, AllMusic release ID, MusicNotes product ID, Playbill venue ID, Portal to the Flora of Italy ID, Digital Flora of Central Africa ID, Monument ID, Letterboxd actor ID, Argentinean NCAA Airport code, MusicNotes song ID, B3Kat dataset ID, Sotheby's person ID, Santiebeati ID, Letterboxd film ID, Threatened Species Link ID, Littera ID, Soccerway team ID, Playbill person ID, Siamzone film ID, Thaifilm ID, VD 18 ID, Newseum newspaper front page ID, APA ID, SWH Release ID, Virtual Guide to the Flora of Mongolia ID, DanNet 2.2 word ID, À nos grands hommes ID, ID, BioOne journal ID, ID, Academy Awards Database film ID, The Hendon Mob ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: work quoted textually, verbally or lyrically, work whose melody is quoted, excerpt, exonym, Danmarks Statistiks filmkode, text features, mission statement, number of lines, number of stations, funding scheme, noun class, eponymous category, taxa protected, river bank, tautomer of, Global Startup Ecosystem Ranking, proper name of astronomical object, research site
- External identifiers: Corpus typographique français ID, Academy Awards Database nominee ID, World Poker Tour ID, ANICA ID, person ID, Sotheby's Museum Network ID, Académie d'Arles member ID, Google News publication ID, ALCA ID, Luding editor ID, BoardGeekGame editor ID, Atlas of Florida Plants ID, British Executions ID, System16 identifier, BLR ID, LEGO set ID, LEGO design ID, LEGO element ID, NAS ID, Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States ID, Welsh Book Trade Info ID, Sega Saturn game ID, TWAS Fellow ID, Bitraga author ID, Bitraga work ID, EUNIS ID, Cal-IPC ID, eFloraSA id, Dimensions Publication ID, Dimensions Source ID, Dimensions Author ID, Microsoft Academic Work ID, Microsoft Academic Source ID, Microsoft Academic Author ID, Microsoft Academic Institution ID
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: Vasily
- Showcase items: Fugger
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fixed a bug that was saving the statement too early when trying to add a qualifier with the keyboard (phab:T154869)
- Made changes to disallow edits (until the user reloads) if they accidentally get logged out. (phab:T124451)
- Turn the new change tag back on wikidatawiki (phab:T208846)
- Better linting against things that don't work in IE11
- Fixed the wdqs-frontend docker image (phab:T208681, phab:T209206)
- Fixed html elements in the table result of wdqs (phab:T207257, thanks to user:Frog23)
- Getting ontology changes deployed to
- Using maplink or mapframe to view coords on wikidata (phab:T184933)
- Consistent capitalization of Lexeme/Form/Sense/Item/Property in UI messages
- Make Lexemes appear in global usage of Commons files (phab:T204066)
- Work on a new interface for the termbox on mobile (phab:T207150)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Cambios recientes
- On wikis with translatable pages you could create a mess when you moved a page that had translatable subpages. A subpage is when you use
to create a new page:/wiki/Page/Subpage
. The subpages would be moved but not the translations. The subpages are no longer automatically be moved. This is to make it safer to move pages. [22]
Cambios de esta semana
- La interfaz de búsqueda avanzada estará disponible de forma predeterminada en todas las wikis de Wikimedia. Facilita el uso de algunas de las funciones de búsqueda especiales que la mayoría de los editores no saben que existen. Ya está activo en las Wikipedias en alemán, farsi, árabe y húngaro. [23]
- Special:UnusedCategories show empty categories with no files or other categories. You can soon choose to not show soft redirect categories or some maintenance categories there. You can do this with the magic word
. [24] - La nueva versión de MediaWiki estará en las wikis de prueba y en desde el 27 noviembre. Estará en wikis que no sean de Wikipedia y en algunas wikipedias desde el 28 noviembre. Estará en todas las wikis desde el 29 noviembre (calendario).
- Puedes unirte a la reunión de asesoramiento técnico en el IRC. Durante la reunión, los desarrolladores voluntarios pueden pedir consejo. La reunión será el 28 noviembre a las 16:00 (UTC). Mira cómo unirte.
Futuros cambios
- The
function was deprecated in 2012. It will be removed next week. Look for the warningUse of "mw.util.jsMessage" is deprecated
in the JavaScript console to know if you use an affected script or gadget. If you are a gadget maintainer you should check if your JavaScript code containsmw.util.jsMessage
. There is a migration guide. It explains how to usemw.notify
instead. [25]
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
22:22 26 nov 2018 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #340
editar- Discussions
- Events
- Past: women editathon in Mexico City, November 24th
- Past: Wikidata "Train the trainers" workshop in Berlin, November 23th-25th
- Running: WikiCite 2018, November 27th-29th, Berkeley, California, USA. Some livestream will be provided on Youtube
- Upcoming: Wikidata "Train the trainers" workshop in Vienna, November 30th-December 2nd
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in Berlin, with a focus on Open Refine, January 15th
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Wikidata-related videos during GLAMwiki conference:
- Wikidata — What's new - Jens Ohlig
- A Gentle Introduction to Wikidata for Absolute Beginners - Asaf Bartov
- SPARQL workshop - Maarten Dammers
- Engaging GLAM institutions with Wikidata - Sharing Experiences and Techniques - Andrew Lih
- Sum of all Paintings and Open Data - Maarten Dammers
- Wikidata’s role in metadata creation and reuse workflows in libraries - Michelle Futornick
- Open your structured GLAM data with Wikibase — install your own instance of the technology behind Wikidata - Jens Ohlig
- Impact and potential of structured data on Wikimedia projects for the GLAM sector - Sandra Fauconnier
- Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons - Introduction and panel of Wikimedia pilots
- Introduction to Wikidata in 7min by Asaf Bartov
- Introduction to Wikidata by Lydia Pintscher in 20min, during Shani Evenstein's university course about Wikidata
- Wikidata-related videos during GLAMwiki conference:
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Senses (documentation), new tool by User:Vesihiisi to add senses to lexemes
- The Swedish National Heritage Board has started working on a project, related to Structured Data on Commons, that focuses on ways to feed back improved (crowdsourced) metadata to cultural institutions who contribute media files to Wikimedia Commons.
- Please alert your GLAM partners to a new survey about crowdsourcing, metadata and Wikimedia Commons, which informs the research for this project!
- Scribe, a project to support under-resourced Wikipedias based on Wikidata's content, has been proposed for a grant
- Tool to convert Wikibase JSON to RDF without storing it in a repository
- Call for paper for the data quality workshop in Berlin on January 18th. Open until December 3rd
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: running mate, research site, quotes work
- External identifiers: World Poker Tour player ID, GLAMOS glacier ID, Academy Awards Database nominee ID, ANICA ID, National Portrait Gallery (United States) object ID, person ID, Sotheby's Museum Network ID, MNAV artist ID, Google News publication ID, ALCA author ID, Atlas of Florida Plants ID, BoardGeekGame game publisher ID, Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States ID, Luding game publisher ID, NAS ID, Depósito Legal ID, Corpus typographique français ID, British Executions ID, Bantu Lexical Reconstructions ID, Welsh Book Trade Info ID, System16 identifier, Académie d'Arles member ID, Sega Saturn game ID, Bitraga author ID, TWAS Fellow ID, Bitraga work ID, Cal-IPC ID, EUNIS ID, Dimensions Author ID, Dimensions Publication ID, Dimensions Source ID, Disney A to Z ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: language use, has variant, has version, rationale text, HABS ID, Wikia Article URL, CNPJ
- External identifiers: AJOL ID, Microsoft Academic Source ID, GameFAQs company ID, BDFA player ID, Sabinet ID, NSW State Archives and Records Authority Agency ID, Guida al fumetto italiano ID, Bygdeband location, OeBL 1815-1950 ID, Badtaste ID, Badgames ID, defined term ID, Wikia Article ID, Female mexican soccer players ID, Geolex ID, OBV editions, BBC News topic id, member of the Portuguese parliament ID
- Query examples:
- Place and century of discovery of the archaeological objects of St Raymond museum (France) (source)
- Location of city halls in Spain (source)
- Timeline of famous pirates (source)
- Authors who are the most cited in Nature Chemistry (source)
- Scholarly articles published about Wikidata (adapted from here)
- The world's 200 tallest mountains, and whether Wikidata knows they've been climbed (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Kākāpō, WikiProject Scholia
- Newest database reports: Fugger
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fix an error when entering an incomplete filename (phab:T199420)
- Fix the unreadable references for unpriviledged users (phab:T186006)
- Create new page properties for number of Forms and Senses of a Lexeme (phab:T199611)
- Adapt the API to efficiently format large numbers of entity IDs (phab:T207484)
- Switch "save" to "publish" in the Lexeme interface (phab:T203354)
- Fix a bug showing outdated link formats in the history of Lexemes (phab:T208423)
- Add Special:MergeLexemes to Special:SpecialPages (phab:T204397)
- Add Wikipedia link in the other projects sidebar of Wikisource (phab:T180303, thanks to Tpt)
- Work on displaying the language of the gloss with the language name, both in reading and editing mode (phab:T203457, phab:T209931)
- More work on improving the interface of the termbox on mobile
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Learning Quarterly: November 2018
editarL&E Newsletter / Volume 5 / Issue 17 / November 2018
Learning Quarterly
Stay tuned
blogs, events
& more!
Leave your mark on Meta!
AffCom corner and Wikimania Poster session
The Signpost: 1 December 2018
editar- From the editor: Time for a truce
- Special report: The Christmas wishlist
- Discussion report: Farewell, Mediation Committee
- Arbitration report: A long break ends
- Traffic report: Queen reigns for four weeks straight
- Gallery: Intersections
- From the archives: Ars longa,vita brevis
Mes de Asia 2018 en Wikipedia
editar¡Gracias por tu participación en el Mes de Asia 2018! |
What's Next (WAM)!
editarCongratulations! The Wikipedia Asian Month has ended successfully and you've done amazing work of organizing. What we've got and what's next?
- Tool problem
- If you faced problem submitting articles via judging tool, use this meta page to do so. Please spread this message with local participants.
- Here are what will come after the end of WAM
- Make sure you judge all articles before December 7th, and participants who can improve their contribution (not submit) before December 10th.
- Participates still can submit their contribution of November before December 5th at this page. Please let your local wiki participates know. Once you finish the judging, please update this page after December 7th
- There will be three round of address collection scheduled: December 15th, December 20th, and December 25th.
- Please report the local Wikipedia Asian Ambassador (who has most accepted articles) on this page, if the 2nd participants have more than 30 accepted articles, you will have two ambassadors.
- There will be a progress page for the postcards.
- Some Questions
- In case you wondering how can you use the WAM tool (Fountain) in your own contest, contact the developer Le Loi for more information.
Thanks again, Regards
Sailesh Patnaik using MediaWiki message delivery (discusión) 04:59 3 dic 2018 (UTC)
Las últimas noticias de tecnología de la comunidad técnica de Wikimedia. Coméntale a otros usuarios acerca de estos cambios. Algunos cambios no te afectarán. Existen traducciones disponibles.
Cambios recientes
- Los administradores ya no pueden desbloquearse a sí mismos, salvo que se hayan bloqueado a ellos mismos. Se ha tomado esta decisión para evitar males mayores en caso de que una cuenta con permisos de administrador se viese comprometida, para evitar que ésta pueda desbloquearse indefinidamente a sí misma una y otra vez. Si esto resultase un problema en tu wiki, puedes informar en Phabricator. También puedes preguntar en Meta-Wiki. Existe una discusión en Phabricator sobre qué ocurriría en el caso de que dos administradores se bloqueasen mutuamente en una wiki pequeña. [26]
- Las imágenes SVG pequeñas se mostrarán más grandes en MediaViewer. [27]
- Puedes ir directamente a una sección de una página desde el resúmen de edición. Antes tenías que pinchar en una flecha. [28]
- When you jumped to a footnote that was referenced several times in an article it could be difficult to see where you were in the text. Now there are jump marks and highlights to help you find your way back. [29][30]
Cambios de esta semana
- No hay una nueva versión de MediaWiki esta semana.
- Puedes unirte a la reunión de asesoramiento técnico en el IRC. Durante la reunión, los desarrolladores voluntarios pueden pedir consejo. La reunión será el 5 diciembre a las 16:00 (UTC) y a las 23:00 (UTC). Consulta cómo unirte.
Las Noticias Técnicas son preparadas por los redactores de Noticias Técnicas y publicadas con un bot • Colabora • traduce • obtén ayuda • comenta • suscríbete o cancela tu suscripción.
16:12 3 dic 2018 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #341
editar- Discussions
- New request for comments: How to handle heat treating as a qualifier for material properties ?
- New development input: Identify problems with adding new languages into Wikidata
- Events
- Upcoming: "Researcher meets Curator", with a subquestion: "What are the consequences of collecting born digital sources, working with digital network analysis and engaging with linked open data initiatives such as Wikidata", in Maastricht on 22 March 2019. Call for papers
- Upcoming: Advanced Wikidata Training in India, December 15-16
- Past: "Wikibase: configure, customize, and collaborate" workshop at SWIB 18 in Bonn, Germany on November 26, 2018. Workshop materials
- Past: EveryPolitician event to identify political data sources for Wikidata in Madrid, Spain, on December 1, 2018.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Author Disambiguator (github source), new tool by d:User:ArthurPSmith (based on SourceMD) for linking author items to their works.
- OpenRefine 3.1 was released
- New API module to format multiple entity IDs
- You can now access the number of Forms and Senses of Lexemes through API and special page
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: reference has role, tautomer of, eponymous category, language style, ratified by, funding scheme
- External identifiers: GameFAQs company ID, AJOL journal ID, LEGO set ID, BDFA player ID, Sabinet journal ID, NSW State Archives and Records Authority Agency ID, Bygdeband location ID, Austrian Biographical Encylopedia ID, Badtaste ID, Badgames ID, Mexican female soccer players ID, member of the Portuguese parliament ID, BBC News topic ID, OBV editions ID, Geolex ID, CNPJ, Defined Term ID, Guida al Fumetto Italiano ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: gained independence from, nachgewiesen mittels, measured by (KPI), OpenTrials ID, administrated by the administrative territorial entity, level of description, stored as lexeme, taxon author citation, Astronomical coordinates, catchphrase, real estate developer, Danske Taler speaker
- External identifiers: TrENSmissions person ID, LIGA profile, SEINet ID, BIBSYS work ID, Jewish Museum Berlin person ID, UK Parliament Identifier, HAER ID, person ID, Genius album ID, Genius song ID, TASS reference, DIR3 ID, NooSFere story ID, L'Encyclopédie philosophique ID, RegiowikiAT ID, Discord Store game SKU, kohanimeregister, ARLLFB member ID, ARB person ID, Biographie nationale de Belgique ID, protected area authority ID, Flora of Wisconsin ID, identifiant Monument aux morts
- Query examples:
- Timeline of early Western movies (source)
- Species represented in the exhibition "Espèces en voies d'illumination" in the natural history museum of Paris (source)
- Properties most used to describe cats in Wikidata (source)
- List of UK embassies (source)
- Map of places of residence for accused witches in Scotland with a layer for occupations (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Add Lexeme to Wikibase's ontology.owl (phab:T195368)
- Prepare to drop change_tag.ct_tag column (phab:T194163)
- Create Federated Wikibase instance on Beta Commons (phab:T204748)
- More work on preparing a new termbox for the mobile version of Wikidata
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Growth team updates #4
editarWelcome to the fourth newsletter for the new Growth team!
The Growth team's objective is to work on software changes that help retain new contributors in mid-size Wikimedia projects.
We need your feedback!
We have two requests for community members:
- Now that data is coming in for the welcome survey, we are planning how to use that data to personalize the newcomer's first day. See our current thoughts here, and join the conversation here.
- Try out the help panel's interactive prototype, and read about how we're planning to roll it out, and post any thoughts or reactions here.
Two Growth team projects have been deployed (detailed updates here)
- Personalized first day (welcome survey) was deployed on November 20 on both Czech and Korean Wikipedias.
- The survey is now being shown to half of new users (A/B test). Responses are being recorded in the database. We'll report on initial results during December.
- We are planning to test a second version of the survey, called "Variation C", which we think will maximize the number of users who complete the survey and stay on the wiki.
- The original objective of this project was to give newcomers the materials they need to achieve their goals, and so now we are currently planning how we will use the information collected in the welcome survey to personalize the newcomer's experience. We hope community members will read our current thinking and join the conversation here. Some of the plans we are considering include:
- Making it easy for newcomers to see editing activity around the topic areas in which they indicated that they're interested.
- Connecting interested newcomers to experienced editors.
- Surfacing the help content most relevant to the reason for which the newcomers created their accounts.
- Understanding first day (EditorJourney) was deployed on November 15 on both Czech and Korean Wikipedias. It has been done after a longer security review and final testing than expected. Data is now being recorded for all new users on those wikis, and we've been auditing the data and preparing to make initial reports during December. Stay tuned for the next newsletter!
Help panel is under construction
- Focus on help desk (help panel) is planned to be deployed during the week of January 7 on both Czech and Korean Wikipedias.
- This interactive prototype is the best way to see the design and wording in the feature.
- We ran live user tests on the prototype, with results posted here.
- In addition to giving the ability to ask a question, the help panel will also contain a set of links to existing help content. Our ambassadors on Czech and Korean Wikipedias are determining the right initial set of most helpful links in this task.
- We encourage community members to try out the prototype and read about the rules for who will get the feature, and add any thoughts to this discussion.
We are still looking for volunteers
Do you want to participate to our experiments? We are looking for new communities to work with us (especially a new mid-size wiki), and people to become ambassadors to help us to communicate with the different communities. Discover how you can involve yourself or your community.
Also, please share this update with your community and interested people!
Learn more about us
You can visit our team page to find out why our team was formed and how we are thinking about new editors, and our project updates page for detailed updates on the projects we work on.
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot, 09:31 7 dic 2018 (UTC) • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Structured Data on Commons Newsletter - Fall 2018 edition
editarWelcome to the newsletter for Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons! You can update your subscription to the newsletter. Do inform others who you think will want to be involved in the project!
- Community updates
- Multilingual Captions, the first feature release for Structured Data, is coming in January of 2019
- Be on the lookout for the beta testing announcement
- Help using captions has been set up, if you'd like to go ahead and see the workflow
- Two IRC office hours were held since the last newsletter
- Our dedicated IRC channel: wikimedia-commons-sd webchat
- Help determine and propose properties on Wikidata for Commons
- Review designs for structured licensing and copyright
- Join the community focus group!
Since the last newsletter:
- Review a prototype for searching structured Commons (October 2018)
- "Good coverage" for depicts tagging (Sept. 2018)
- Review and discuss mockups for displaying the new metadata section of the file page (18 September - 9 October 2018)
- Depicts statements draft requirements (14 August - 31 August 2018)
- Identify Wikidata properties that Commons will need (26 June - 14 August 2018)
- Presentation by Keegan on the first features to be released for Structured Data, presented at Wikiconference North America, Columbus, Ohio, October 2018.
- Sandra presented a project update at the GLAM-Wiki conference in Tel Aviv, Israel, November 2018, as part of an update and panel discussion.
- Structured Data on Commons was the subject of a keynote presentation by Sandra (see slides) at the Baltic Audiovisual Archives Council conference in Tallinn, Estonia, November 2018.
- Partners and allies
- The info portal on Structured Commons now includes a section on GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums).
- We are currently planning the first GLAM pilot projects that will use structured data on Wikimedia Commons. One project has already started: the Swedish Heritage Board researches and develops a prototype tool to provide improved metadata (translations, data additions...) from Wikimedia Commons back to the source institution. Read the project brief.
- The documentation for batch uploads of files to Wikimedia Commons will be improved in 2019, as part of preparing for Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons. To prepare, the GLAM team at the Wikimedia Foundation wants to understand better which types of documentation you already use, and how you like to learn new GLAM-Wiki skills and knowledge. Fill in a short survey to provide input!
- Stay up to date!
- Follow the Structured Data on Commons project on Phabricator:
- Subscribe to this newsletter to receive it on a talk page of your own choice.
-- Keegan (WMF) (talk)
Message sent by MediaWiki message delivery - 17:58 7 dic 2018 (UTC)
Re: Votación
editarSí, muchas gracias . Estaba justamente en eso. He avisado de los resultados en el TAB para que un biblio se encargue de hacer el cambio. Saludos Mar del Sur (discusión) 15:23 8 dic 2018 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #342
editar- Discussions
- New request for comments: Scholarly articles that are book reviews
- Events
- Past: SWAT4HCLS in Antwerp Belgium December 3:
- Wikibase tutorial
- "Wikidata as an intuitive resource towards semantic data modeling in data FAIRification" short paper
- "WikiCite, Wikidata, and Scholia: Linking Publications to Topics" (demo /food/ aspect)
- Past: Workshop "Wikidata - what is that and why it's relevant in the field of geospatial information technologies?"? at Latvia's Geospatial Information Technology (GIT) conference (slides)
- Past: Introduction to Wikidata for Wikipedians in Stokholm, Sweden, December 4th
- Upcoming: Introduction to Wikidata for Wikipedians in Göteborg, Sweden, December 10th
- Past: SWAT4HCLS in Antwerp Belgium December 3:
- Press, articles, blog posts
- "Detailed depictions with IIIF, Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons" by Martin Poulter, Bodleian Digital Library blog
- Report of the GNDCon in the Kurier (in German)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- iD, the default OSM editor at has recently had an update which pulls data from Wikidata.
- WikidataCon 2019, the conference for open data enthusiasts, will take place on 25-26 October 2019 in Berlin
- Miniature map will be displayed for coordinate properties
- New passwords requirements will apply on all wikis to new accounts and privileged accounts starting on December 13th
- New grant request by MySociety: Wikidata post-election updating toolkit
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: award rationale, heat treating, copyright status, level of description
- External identifiers: SEINet ID, LIGA profile, BIBSYS work ID, UK Parliament identifier, Jewish Museum Berlin person ID, person ID, Genius album ID, Genius song ID, TASS reference, OpenTrials ID, NooSFere story ID, DIR3 ID, L'Encyclopédie philosophique ID, TrENSmissions person ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: creator, WordLift ID, Specific age inside fictional universe, type of rear suspensions, type of front suspensions, ride height, approach angle, departure angle, Drag coefficient, related category, SinemaTürk person ID, SinemaTürk film ID, Nombre annuel de passagers
- External identifiers: BDEL ID, ZVR, NARA record group number, MMLO, IEC database ID commemorative monument of Catalonia, Meteorological Service of Canada climate ID, PomBase systematic ID, Volksbund ID, iTunes music movie ID, Paris Musées ID, player ID, BSRussia player ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- We are now showing the language name instead of the language code of a Gloss (phabricator:T203457, phabricator:T209931)
- We added a Page property for easier programmatic access to the number of Senses and Forms of a Lexeme (phabricator:T199611)
- The code samples in the query service have been improved (phabricator:T207749, thanks abian!)
- We're working on tracking how often the different Lua functions that Wikibase provides are used in the Wikimedia project to see how that changes over time (phabricator:T191416)
- We worked on and fixed a security incident related to blocking (phabricator:T210953)
- We are continuing to bring the termbox (showing labels, descriptions, aliases) to mobile viewers
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 11 December. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 12 December. It will be on all wikis from 13 December (calendar).
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 12 December at 16:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- New accounts will need passwords that are at least 8 characters long. Admins, interface admins, bureaucrats, oversighters, CentralNotice admins, global renamers, check users, stewards and some other user groups will need passwords that are at least 10 characters long. This is because an attacker could cause damage to the wikis if they took over these accounts. [31][32]
- When you hover over a footnote it will show you the reference as a pop-up. This is so you don't have to jump down to the bottom of the page to see a reference. This will happen in 2019. Some wikis already have gadgets that do this. You will be able to turn it off. [33]
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
17:33 10 dic 2018 (UTC)
This Month in GLAM: November 2018
Las últimas noticias de tecnología de la comunidad técnica de Wikimedia. Coméntale a otros usuarios acerca de estos cambios. Algunos cambios no te afectarán. Existen traducciones disponibles.
Noticias Tech
- Debido a las fiestas de final de año, el próximo informativo de Noticias Tech se enviará el 7 de enero de 2019.
Cambios recientes
- Algunas plantillas que muestran notas acerca del contenido de la página se comenzaron a mostrar en el sitio web. En muchos casos, éstas plantillas están ocultas. [34][35]
- Los administradores (sysop) no pueden desbloquearse a sí mismo, a excepción de bloqueos autoimpuestos. Un administrador bloqueado puede bloquear al usuario que lo ha bloqueado pero a nadie más. Esto se realizó para nadie pueda bloquear, sin control, a todos los administradores en una wiki. [36]
- La extensión de ParserMigration ha sido eliminada. Se comparó el resultado de dos versiones de Mediawiki en la interpretación del wikitexto. Esta extensión se utilizó para la migración desde la librería Tidy a Remex.
- Las etiquetas
pueden usar parámetros como "name" o "group". Por ejemplo<ref name="adams" group="books">
. Si una etiqueta<ref>
posee más de dos parámetros, todos los parámetros son ignorados. Actualmente no posees una advertencia si los parámetros no están funcionando. Esto será solucionado próximamente. [37]
Cambios de esta semana
- La nueva versión de MediaWiki se instalará en los wikis de prueba y en el 18 diciembre. Se instalará en wikis que no son Wikipedia y en algunas Wikipedias a partir del 19 diciembre, y en las restantes a partir del 20 diciembre (calendario).
- Puedes unirte a la reunión de asesoramiento técnico en el IRC. Durante la reunión, los desarrolladores voluntarios pueden pedir consejo. La reunión será el 19 diciembre a las 16:00 (UTC). Mira cómo unirte.
Cambios futuros
- El equipo de la app de Android de la Fundación Wikimedia está trabajando para que las ediciones que se realicen en el teléfono móvil sean más fáciles de realizar. Puedes leer más información acerca de estos planes. Si tienes un teléfono Android y puedes hablar al menos dos idiomas, puedes ayudar a realizar pruebas en inglés. Comunícate con Dchen (WMF) para ser parte de las pruebas. Le puedes dejar un mensaje en su página de usuaria o envíale un correo electrónico.
dejarán de funcionar. Ambas instancias no poseen personas que le hagan mantenimiento y se están ejecutándose en un sistema operativo viejo. Las herramientas que usan estas páginas dejarán de funcionar, incluyendo el accesorio mapnik, líneas de altitud y las capas de senderismo y ciclismo. Nuevos voluntarios podrían ayudar al mantenimiento de ambas herramientas. [38]
Noticias técnicas preparadas por escritores de Noticias Tec y publicadas por un bot • Contribuya • Traduzca • Obtenga ayuda • Denos su opinión • Suscríbase o cancele su suscripción.
20:34 17 dic 2018 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #343
editar- Discussions
- New request for comments: Split identifier into KEGG Drug Identifier, KEGG Compound Identifier, etc?
- Closed request for comments: Clarifying rights and responsibilities of Property Creators
- Events
- Past: 26 November 2018: Adding your own stuff to Wikidata. Workshop at SWIB18, Bonn, Germany
- Past: 04 December 2018: Chancen und Risiken einer komplementären Nutzung von GND und Wikidata. Präsentation auf der GNDCon in Frankfurt Main, Germany
- Past: 11–12 December 2018 in Namburu, India: Wiki Advanced Training 2018 (with special focus on Wikidata) by Asaf Bartov
- Upcoming: 35th Chaos Communication Congress, December 27-30, Leipzig. There will be Wikidata staff and volunteers and Wikidata-related sessions
- Press, articles, blog posts
- 6 "inside-out" activities librarians are doing — numbers 4 and 5 involve Wikidata
- From the "Annalen der Pharmacie" to the "European Journal of Organic Chemistry" about using Wikidata for capturing (some of) the history of chemistry
- Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons, by Sandra Fauconnier, in EuropeanaTech 10 Insight Issue 10: Innovation Agenda
- Many faces of Wikibase: Lingua Libre makes languages audible, by Jens Ohlig (also available in German)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Call for contribution for the WikiWorkshop, forum bringing together researchers exploring all aspects of the Wikimedia projects, held in May 2019 in San Francisco, is now open until January 31st
- Research questionnaire about Wikidata as a learning platform by Shani Evenstein as part of her PhD research.
- Interactive map of the Sibthorp & Bauer Expedition, produced by the Bodleian Libraries, powered by Wikidata
- Scholia's "missing" pages (example) now link to the new Author Disambiguator tool, and a Listeria list is available to help prioritize co-author disambiguation for authors with sitelinks.
- Draft of behavior norms policy, feel free to leave comments
- Wikimedia hackathon in Prague: apply for a scholarship until January 4th
- Discuss if you can edit your own item, and vote here on the proposed policy.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: real estate developer, collection creator, digital representation of, specific age inside fictional universe, catchphrase, subject lexeme, right ascension, declination, epoch, galactic longitude, galactic latitude
- External identifiers: ARLLFB member ID, Flora of Wisconsin ID, RegiowikiAT identifier, Discord Store game SKU, Bavarian protected area ID, BDEL ID, Danske Taler speaker ID, Place Names Register ID (Estonia), Biographie nationale de Belgique ID, ARB person ID, Monument aux morts ID, IEC commemorative monument of Catalonia ID, MMLO, Meteorological Service of Canada climate site ID, Volksbund ID, PomBase systematic ID, Paris Musées work ID, LEGO design ID, LEGO element ID, iTunes music movie ID, BSRussia player ID, person ID, SinemaTürk person ID, SinemaTürk film ID, Wikia article ID, MinDat mineral ID, Harvard Index of Botanists ID, MinDat Locality ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Garzanti Linguistica, Buried in this place, specific rotation, Data interval, Minimum wage, Danmarks svampeatlas ID, friend of, copyright representative, rights statement, co-director, Berliner Schutzgebiets-ID, preparation instructions
- External identifiers: SVT Open archive, page, Anbytarforum, Multiplayer ID, Amazon Music artist ID, Parliament of South Africa ID, Objectif Gard topic ID, Epic Games Store ID, Hymnary author ID, IPPDH ID, French Academy of Sciences member ID, OTRS ticket number 2, MNopedia ID, NCpedia ID, ICCD IDs, Weeds in Ontario ID, AllMusic performance ID, identifier, YSA ID
- Query examples:
- (UK) Ambassador by country list - Listeria report which writes 240 by-country reports on UK Ambassadors - h/t NavinoEvans for the approach
- Presidents of the United States ranked by the number of species named after them (source)
- Communes of France whose name starts with "Saint" (source)
- Italian toponyms with suffixes of Celtic origin (-ago, -ate, -asco) (source)
- List of ABBA songs in A major (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: Wikidata:WikiProject Policies
- Newest database reports: Nicolas Cage filmography
- expanded list of Christmas films
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Test that the issue with blocked users will not happen anymore (phab:T211120)
- Finish up on showing Language and Language codes when editing glosses (phab:T209931)
- Work towards having QualityContraints on Beta (phab:T209957)
- Work on tracking usage of Wikibase Lua Functions (phab:T191416)
- Some more work on string length limits (phab:T154660)
- Work on some Wikidata toolkit improvements (phab:T209399)
- Fix some errors happening in production (phab:T208924)
- More under-the-hood work for the termbox on mobile
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
The Signpost: 24 December 2018
editar- From the editors: Where to draw the line in reporting?
- News and notes: Some wishes do come true
- In the media: Political hijinks
- Discussion report: A new record low for RfA
- WikiProject report: Articlegenesis
- Arbitration report: Year ends with one active case
- Traffic report: Queen dethroned by U.S. presidents
- Gallery: Sun and moon, water and stone
- Blog: News from the WMF
- Humour: I believe in Bigfoot
- Essay: Requests for medication
- From the archives: Compromised admin accounts – again
Feliz Navidad
editar- Buenas noches, en Nochebuena, mi buen amigo Agusbou. Felices Navidades y un 2019 en el que se cumplan tus mejores deseos. Un abrazo. Adolfobrigido (Discusión) 22:06 24 dic 2018 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #344
editar- Discussions
- Closed request for comments: Changes in email property, Datatype of P667, How to capture negative results in Wikidata?
- Events
- Current: Chaos Communication Congress (35C3) where several Wikidata people are present and related sessions happening
- Next Wikidata IRC office hour: January 8th, 18:00 (UTC+1) on the channel wikimedia-office
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Wikidata architecture overview by Addshore
- Créer une carte avec Wikidata, OpenRefine et uMap (in French) by Jean-Baptiste Pressac
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: API endpoint, demonym of, specific rotation, concentration, copyright representative, Berlin protected area ID, advertises
- External identifiers: Garzanti Linguistica ID, Multiplayer ID, Danmarks svampeatlas ID, Boobpedia article, Amazon Music artist ID, Objectif Gard topic ID, Epic Games Store ID, ZVR-Number, IPPDH ID, French Academy of Sciences member ID, MNopedia ID, NCpedia ID, Weeds in Ontario ID, ICCD ID - S form, ICCD ID - CF form, ICCD ID - CG form, ODNR Division of Wildlife ID, Penthouse ID, identifier, YSA ID, ARTIC exhibition ID, ARTIC artist ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: maintenance method, second family name in Scandinavian names, organizational unit, story by, Code of Natura 2000 FFH habitats, century fl., adjective of, holonym 2, meronym 2, has contraction 2, yield, colorist, distinguishing property, Wikispecies template for this work, affiliation string
- External identifiers: person identifier, character identifier, PC-9801DB ID, coach ID, The Armory Show at 100 ID, profile URL, Scoresway tennis person ID, Dictionnaire de spiritualité ID, Muséosphère ID, Historical RNA ID, TheFinalBall coach ID, TheFinalBall referee ID, referee ID, player ID, player ID, AMFR player ID, staff ID, referee ID, CFU player ID, AIC player ID, RusTeam player ID, Critique d'art ID, Centre Pompidou ID, Agence photo RMN ID, INE ID (Portugal), Agence photo RMN package ID, Wikiapiary entry, England Football Online player profile, England Football Online manager profile, DVR Number, Politika topic, Goodreads character ID
- Deleted properties: P4570 (Wikidata project)
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Writing a maintenance script to make configuring WikibaseQualityConstraints easier (phab:T209958)
- Working on new ID generator using different SQL to attempt to stop lock errors when creating lots of items (phab:T194299)
- Making more parts of the Query Service UI more configurable such as the copyright page, title, and started work on the favicon / logos (phab:T194175)
- Adding tracking for Wikibase Lua functions so we can see how they are used on various different projects (phab:T191416)
- Working on fixing alignment issues with glosses (phab:T207401)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!